9. Month Seven

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Pidge: Okay Keith, let's see how much you're showing...

Keith pulled up his shirt and it was decently noticeable at this point, if someone saw his bare stomach they'd recognize him for being pregnant immediately, but if he hides his belly under a table or something without drawing attention then he'd be fine. Though it was about time he should go hide anyway.

Pidge: Yeah let's just wait a couple days- well, when a mission comes up then you'll go but after we should hide you okay?

Keith nodded at Pidge.

Keith: How are you and Hunk?

Pidge: Good, we're thinking about Um, spicing it up tonight?

Keith: Ooh... make sure you use protection though, you already saw what happened to me, and I'm a BOY!

Pidge: Heh. Yeah, we'll be careful. But, you got pregnant because you're an omega Galra, so that explains that.

Keith: Heh... Thanks again for helping me out with this Pidge... I really appreciate your help and it feels nice to be able to talk to someone about what's going on.

Pidge: No problem.

There was a short silence between them, Keith pulled his shirt down but didn't put on his jacket yet.

Keith: Kind of wish the others would believe me... or I could at least tell someone else about what's going on.

Pidge: Me too... actually, Hunk saw you and Lance two months ago, maybe we could tell him.

Hunk: Tell me about wha-? What the quiznak?!?!

Both Paladins froze and turned their heads to the door where they saw Hunk standing in the doorway with a horrifyingly shocked expression looking directly between the two and Keith's belly.

Pidge: Uh, Hi Hunk...! Didn't realize you were there...

Keith immediately put his jacket back on and tried to hide his belly but failed

Hunk: What was that?! When did-?!How-?!

Pidge: Hunk, Hunk calm down...! 'don't blurt it out!'

Hunk: What does Keith have an illness?!

Pidge: ghhh.... 'don't-' KEITH IS PREGNANT SORRY!

Hunk froze and looked at Keith's swollen belly again then up at Keith.

Hunk: Really again...?

Keith: Pidge!

Pidge: Hunk I know it sounds like he's fooling around but he's telling the truth! Keith tell him!

Keith: No, why would they believe me a second time I told them, they won't.

Hunk: What are you talking about?

Pidge put Hunk's hand on Keith's stomach and he immediately felt kicks. Hunk backed up and Keith just held up his hands like he was being arrested.

Keith: Yep, pregnant, it's actually a thing.

Hunk: You WEREN'T joking...?

Keith slowly nodded his head looking down.

Hunk: Why didn't you say anything...?!

Keith: You already blew it off as being fake so why bother trying again?

Hunk: You could have killed your baby during one of those missions Keith!

Keith: That's why I was being careful.

There were a few moments of silence between the three.

Hunk: H-how long?

Keith: At this point, seven months, going on eight.

Hunk: But, How is this even possible...?

Keith turned Galra and looked at Hunk who was now showing an even more shocked expression.

Hunk: What the- how?!

Pidge: Hunk, Keith's a Galra.

Hunk: Yeah but like- HOW?!

Keith: My parents had sex and gave birth to me, one or more of those parents were Galra.

Hunk: *looks at the pod* Wait so... that 'Cure Pod' isn't actually for curing diseases?

Pidge: No, it's supposed to scan Keith and see if both the baby and him is healthy or not and I also programmed it so it takes pictures and records videos of the baby. Really it's just a really advanced ultrasound machine. Though a cure pod still seems like the best idea to me I really need to focus on getting that built or whatever.

Keith looked back at Hunk who was still staring at him in shock.

Keith: Please don't tell the others about this yet Hunk.

Hunk: Why not?

Keith: I'm not ready for them to know... *puts hands on stomach* Besides, if I'm Galra then my baby will be Galra or part Galra, I can't think of why the team wouldn't want to get rid of him if they know he's Galra... and how they'd treat me if they knew I was Galra...

Hunk: Okay then, but you gonna tell them sometime soon?

Keith: Maybe... if I can get the confidence to do so.

Hunk was now suddenly exited about the baby.

Hunk: So what gender is it? Boy or Girl? What are you gonna name it? Who's the father?

Keith: It's a boy, I'm naming him Soren, his father is Lance.

Hunk: Lance...? That explains A LOT.

Keith: What, do, you mean...?

Hunk: I walked in on you two having sex two months ago.

Keith: oh... OH!

Pidge: HAHA! You should see your face right now!
Later That Night
'Guys could you at least quiet down...?'

*Pidge: Ah Hunk~*

*Hunk: Katie~*

Keith: *Groan* *covers his head with the blankets* 'Well, Lance and I were just as loud when we made Soren so I guess we're even now...😒'


Keith: We are not sleeping tonight are we buddy...?

*kick* *kick*

Keith had established that when his baby kicks to answer a question he noticed a pattern and confirmed that, two kicks equals no and one kick equals yes.

Keith: Yeah? Glad someone agrees with me... I love you Soren, do you like that name? Soren?


Keith: *smiles* Glad I picked a name you like buddy... wonder if the first time I see you you'll look like me or your father... what do you think?

*kick* *kick* *kick* (I don't know)

Keith: You're so sweet... *yawn* Don't stay up too late alright? I'll let you talk to Clove tomorrow... goodnight... Soren McClain...
The Next Day

Clove: *whispering* Hi baby brother. Don't wake daddy up Alright?


Clove: *whispering* Are you awake...?


Keith: I think he's dreaming Clove...

Clove: What's he dreaming about?

Keith: I don't know.

Clove: How much longer are we going to have to wait...?

Keith: We'll have to wait another five months Clove....

Clove: Why?

Keith: He needs time to develop Clovie.

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