5. Month Three

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Allura and Coran were out on the deck talking while Hunk, Shiro and Lance were relaxing.

Allura: Do you know what's going on?

Coran: I'm not quite sure princess. It seems like Keith might be dealing with some emotional problems at this point in time.

Allura: Well, I hope he can push through it... we ARE in the middle of a war and Keith plays a very important role in winning this war...

Coran: I agree, should we address this to the rest of the Paladins?

Allura: We shouldn't distract them from the war, but yes, if they can help Keith.

Hunk: What do you mean?

Lance: Yeah is Keith alright?

Shiro: When were you so concerned about him and, where's Pidge...?

Allura: Well, Keith is obviously dealing with some emotional issues at this point in time, it would be helpful if you tried asking Keith what was going on.

Lance: I tried talking to Keith last month he said he was fine.

Coran: That's interesting, though that is a normal thing for Keith.

Hunk: Actually, Shiro's right where is Pidge?

Pidge: Hey, guys?

Allura, Coran, Hunk, Shiro and Lance turned to see Pidge and Keith standing in the middle of the main hall hiding something behind them.

Keith: There's something- I mean, someone we want you to meet.

The two stepped aside revealing Clove.

Keith: Guys, this is Clove.

Clove: Hi.

Everyone screamed in shock and delight.

Allura:Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Another Altean! Where did you find her?!

Keith: I found her following me at our mission last month.

Hunk: Oh my gosh! This is amazing!

Allura walked over to Clove who immediately hid behind Keith hugging his legs in fright.

Allura: Isn't it? I thought all my people died all those years ago. *crouches down to look at Clove who was still hiding* Hi Clove.

Clove hid her face in Keith's lower legs still scared/shy-as-hell. Keith gently placed a hand on Clive's head and looked at her.

Keith: Aw don't be shy, that's Princess Allura. That's Coran over there with the fabulous mustache, Hunk is the big guy over there, Lance is the brown haired boy over there and the guy with black and white hair is Shiro.

Coran: Oh thank you for the compliment!

Clove peeked out from behind Keith's legs and looked at the group who all seemed excited to meet her. Clove smiled at them, she still seemed shy though.

Coran: *fiddling with his mustache* Shall we set up a tour of the castle?

Keith: Let's just go over the parts Pidge and I haven't shown her yet.

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