2. Disappearence

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Everyone was hanging out playing board games on the couches, all except Keith who they were beginning to wonder about.

Shiro: Have any of you seen him earlier?

Hunk: I haven't.

Pidge: You think something's wrong with him?

Lance: I don't know.

Lance looked down at the board game they were playing, Monopoly. They continued to play the game wondering about where Keith was and why he wasn't talking much. And yet the faint sound of footsteps came closer to the room, as Allura and Coran walked in with them and sat on the couch.

Shiro: Did you see Keith?

Allura: No, I'm afraid not.

Coran: What is something wrong with him?

Pidge: We're not sure, that's why we asked.

Lance: He wasn't talking yesterday, you think he might be upset about something?

Coran: What would he be upset about?

Shiro: We don't know.

They continued to sit in silence, when suddenly...

?: I'm pregnant.

Everyone froze in their seats on the couch, frozen at what they had just heard and looked over to see Keith in the doorway with his arms crossed looking down.

Pidge: Scuse me?

Keith: I'm pregnant...

The team burst out laughing except for Pidge, Allura and Coran.

Hunk: That's not possible, you're a GUY.

Lance: Unless he's pretending to be a boy like Pidge was!

Keith: What? No I-

Shiro: Nice prank Keith.

Allura: No it wasn't, honestly Keith you can't mess around with topics like that. You should know better.

Keith: But Guys-!

Pidge: Yeah, caught us off guard for a second. Why would you joke about that?

Coran: Thank goodness you aren't, it would definitely get in the way of missions. Not to mention prove detrimental to the teams focus.

The group looked back up and saw Keith tense up and immediately turn around run to his room and slam the door.

Hunk: What was that all about?

Pidge: Hm...

Pidge got up and went over to Keith's door knocking on it. She heard some muffled cries and a faint and shaky 'Come in...'

Pidge: Keith? Are you alright?

Pidge walked through the door noticing that Keith had recently thrown something at the wall, she walked in and recognized Keith's voice to be the source of the crying, she walked over to Keith's bathroom.

Keith: What do you want?

Pidge: Kei-

Suddenly a stick was thrown from the bathroom at the wall behind her. She picked it up and saw a plus sign on the cracked screen before it cut out.

Pidge: Keith...?

Keith: What. Do. You. Want?

Pidge: I, Keith you're actually...? You weren't joking about...? Who's the...?

Keith: Lance what are you doing here?

Pidge turned and  pushed Lance and everyone else out of the room and locked the door. The group still trying to hear the conversation.

Pidge: Is... it, Lance..?

Keith nodded.

Pidge:. . .

Pidge walked in the bathroom and closed the door behind her to block out the conversation. She sat down next to Keith and placed a hand on his back rubbing it soothingly.

Pidge: Keith... how did this even happen?

Keith: I had this kind of temptation a couple days ago... I think it was some type of mating season for me...? And I kind of really liked Lance at the time... in a sexual way...

Pidge: Mating season? For humans?

Keith: I'm not human Pidge, that's how this happened!

Pidge: Keith quiet down, they're probably trying to listen.

Keith: Ugh...!

Pidge: Do you want me to tell everyone you weren't kidding...?

Keith: No, I told them twice, not repeating it again.

Pidge: What do you mean by 'not human'?

Pidge saw Keith's hair turn purple, and fluffy ears grow from his original ears.

Pidge: Y-you're Galra...?

Keith: According to the records I looked into, I wasn't even born on Earth.

Pidge: That's Cool right? Doesn't change who you are.

Keith looked at her and managed a smile.

Keith: Thanks Pidge.

Pidge: No problem. But, what are we supposed to do? If you don't want the team to find out, what should we do to hide it?

Keith: Maybe I can walk around the palace and go on missions and stuff until I start showing to a certain point.

Pidge: Hm, should we keep you in the castle during the entire pregnancy and just hide you? Or should we take you somewhere else where they are less likely to find you? Like, on a different planet or something like that.

Keith: I'd like to give birth here... I feel like the baby and I are more safe in the castle so I want to stay here.

Pidge: Alright then, where should we put you then? When will we hide you, how do we give food supply, Baby supplies, where can we even have you give birth.

Keith: There are several secret rooms that Allura and Coran don't know about I could go there, we could just go back and forth, maybe stash some food?

Pidge: Hm, that's a good idea, but when will we hide you and what about the baby supplies? And what about when the baby's born?

Keith: Take care of them, I think I'll check every week or so, if my stomach grows more than three inches then we can hide. Maybe tonight we can sneak out and get the supplies, blankets, towels, crib, bottle, cloths, we can get them while everyone's asleep we just have to make a list.

Pidge: Good idea. What if we need to talk about your baby? When everyone else is around?

Keith: I remember that the Blades of Marmora would use a type of sign language to communicate without drawing any attention to them.

Pidge: So your saying, we can look up how you talk in that language and we can use it for the child?

Keith: Yeah.

Pidge: But, won't we need to contact those in the Blades of Marmora to learn it?

Keith: Yeah, we'll just contact Ulaz, I already know part of the language but I'll have to learn the rest of it. I'll teach you the easy stuff though.

Pidge: That's cool but...

Keith: But what?

Pidge: What about when the baby's born? Should we give them up for adoption?

Keith: I'm not abandoning my child like that, we'll just use secret rooms for the baby to live.

Pidge: Sounds like a plan.

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