1. Temptation

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Years ago, the Emporor and Empress of the Galra Empire were blessed with a daughter, they named her Krolia, the child's father Zarkon as tradition stated, bestowed upon her a spirit animal necklace, a beautiful fox named Elipse, that means intelligent and agile, when an adult the girl fell for a Galra named Thace, who turned out to be the leader of the Blades of Marmora, she married Thace and had a son with him who they named Sabik (sah-bik) and gave him a Leopard spirit animal named Echo, the boys spirit animal representing, perseverance, power, and intelligence. Sadly the relationship didn't last long as Zarkon arranged for the child to be executed and banned his daughter from the empire.
Present Day
Keith was at his sink glaring down at something on the counter.

Keith: Lance you son of a-! GHH!!!

Keith continued with his rage as old memories flooded his memory. Why did this happen why did this have to happen. He didn't know what to make of the current situation, didn't know what to think or how to react. He grumbled, he wanted to hate Lance but he couldn't, he loved Lance. And it was that stupid temptation that got him stuck in that mess!
One Day Ago
It has been a day since the group first formed Voltron and Lance was suddenly feeling something for Keith, he ended up staring at him before realizing that he had a little problem. He was able to make it go away without anybody noticing, that didn't change his internal problem, Keith. 'What's with me? I'm supposed to be Keith's rival right? Why do I feel like this...?' Lance wandered the halls every time he'd think about Keith he would find himself fiddling with his fingers, why was he doing that? Meanwhile Keith was having some temptations of his own, he never felt like he belonged on Earth, but in space he feels like he really belongs here, if it weren't for the war, he'd stay out there forever.
Later That Night
Both Paladins had to talk to each other, both couldn't take their temptations as Lance pulled Keith into his room.

Keith: W-what are you doing-? Mmf?!
Lance wasted no time and kissed Keith, making both realize how unbearable their temptation for each other was. Keith had pondered his idea, but when he kissed Lance it felt so much better than talking as he quickly kissed back. Lance carefully ran his fingers through Keith's soft raven hair, both opening their eyes for a second making perfect eye contact, seeing the love and lust in Keith's eyes made Lance go crazy. The two began to kiss harder, Keith loved feeling the warmth of Lance's hold on him. He didn't know why, but he seemed desperate for Lance to make love to him. Almost as if he was in a mating season of sorts. The two continued as Lance pushed his tongue into Keith's mouth allowing Keith to moan in pleasure. The two continued kissing for what seemed like an eternity, wondering how and why their temptation was there, they could have sworn that five minutes ago they hated each other. To their dismay they ran out of breath, forcing their eternity to end and broke away with a string of saliva connected to both their lips. Lance quickly licked the string breaking it and impatiently pinning Keith to the bed, Keith was panting and obviously wanted Lance to make love to him but with this weird behavior, Lance heard Allura say something about Galra mating season, but he just shrugged and ripped each of their clothes off. Lance carefully traced Keith's neck and collar bone for that sweet spot that would make Keith go crazy. He carefully pressed one spot and Keith squirmed.

Lance: Bingo.

Feeling his temptation grow stronger Lance began nipping at Keith's neck as Keith let out loud moans.

Keith: Ah-hah~ Lance harder.... mh aaahhh~ Laannccee- hah~

Lance loved hearing this and began to lick that spot and kiss it making Keith moan louder implying that Lance was biting hard enough. Lance then began to rub Keith making him moan even louder, the two had continued their little warm up, Lance listening to Keith's moans as if it were music before pushing himself in, causing Keith to scream in pain.

Lance: You okay?

Keith: Gah...! Shouldn't die from it...

Lance: Good, I wouldn't want my Keith to hate this.

They waited for a few minutes before Keith moaned allowing Lance to continue as he immediately started pounding Keith making Keith see stars. Oh wait that's the window.

Keith: Ah Lance~ That feels too good~!

Lance: That's the Idea.

Lance continued to pound Keith making Keith his, he never realized how much he wanted to make Keith his own. But, he'd never do it if Keith didn't want it too which he obviously did. Keith couldn't describe how much pleasure he was feeling right now, it was once again unbearable. And Keith loved it.

Lance: Ah! Keith...! I'm-!

Lance climaxed into Keith and pulled out, but Keith pushed him back in.

Lance: You want another round?

Keith: *nods*

Lance: Alright.

Lance started to pound Keith again, it had never occurred to them why they felt such a temptation towards each other. They just shrugged it off forgetting that the rest of the team could hear them and was trying to sleep. All Paladins were trying to cover their ears, Allura and Coran were setting up a training robot at the highest setting for whoever or whatever was making the noise, everyone thought it sounded like a muffled TV, though they didn't know who had it on.
Present Day
Why did Keith suddenly start avoiding Lance, he'd left his room a little bit ago, and suddenly he's acting like Lance is a mass murderer. What's wrong with him? The other Paladins were questioning the same thing, what was going on with Keith? Sure he was distant, but not like this...

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