Calum Imagine for Robin.

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A/N: This isn't my best Imagine; I've been slacking in my writing lately, but I hope you like Robin.

The crowd buzzed around you, with girls screaming there lungs off as the four boys on stage played. The four Aussies looked so happy on stage as you watched them do what they loved. You were glad to be a fan of such an awesome band. Your heart melted a bit when Calum looked your way. Calum sent you a lopsided, silent face. You giggled to yourself. You were sure it wasn't to you, but your friend was shoving you in the side.

"He keeps looking over here," your friend yells in your ear, making you wince at her loud vocals. Maybe Calum was, maybe he wasn't. You don't like to read into things to much. You don't want to get your hopes up.

The Last Cords of She Looks So perfect plays, and everyone screams. You watch as the boys say there goodbyes. It hurt having to say goodbye, but maybe they would show up again. The lights of the building turn on, and everyone starts leaving. Running a hand in your sweaty hair, you wait till the place clears a bit.

"We Still need are T-shirts," your friend Friend Mumbled Looking over at the long line. A tap on your shoulder startled you as a security guard looked down at you.  Panic rose within you. Were you about to get into trouble?

"Come with me" was the only word that left the guy's mouth. You nodded your head and told your friend you would meet her by the car. Following the security guard down the hall, you took deep breaths. Suddenly, you were in front of a dressing room. You watched as he knocked on the door.  The door swung open, and Calum smiled widely at you.

"Thanks, Mate." Calum smiled, patting the security guard's shoulder. "Hi Love," Calum smiled. The boy was even more attractive than he was on the poster that hung up on your wall.

"Is that the girl you were drooling over?" Michael yelled out, causing Calum to blush and shut the door.

"Sorry about that," Calum Blushed Leaning against the wall, you weren't sure what to say to him.

"I'm Robin." You blushed. You were so stuck that you had no idea what to do.

"Nice to Meet you, Robin." Calum smiled. "I couldn't live on without knowing your name." Calum winked, handing you a piece of paper.  And that very moment is how you met the love of your life. Something you will never forget.

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