Love tranigle a luke and calum imagine

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The sky was bright blue, the clouds were puffy, and the sun was shining brightly, blinding your eyes. It was the perfect summer day—not to hot or too cold. It was one of the most perfect summer days yet to happen this summer. You sat in the warm grass next to your two best friends, Luke and Cabul. Calum was sprawled out like a starfish, basking in the warm sun. He looked adorable in his snapback and tank top. Luke was sitting up next to you with his legs crossed over each other. His hair was perfect, like always, and his eyes were bright blue in the sun. Luke's gaze was fixed on the little birds playing in the sky.

Calum let out a sigh as he stretched out. "I'm bored." Calum wines Rolling on his tummy and poking your leg. "Go jump in the creek," you suggest, patting his head. "Only if you join." Cal winked.

Luke rolls his eyes, not seeing that your full attention is on Calum. Luke was jealous that you weren't paying any attention to him. Luke has a slight crush on you. Okay, that would be lying. He has had the biggest crush on you ever since he met you three years ago. He never told you because he thinks you don't like him back. Luke stuck out his bottom lip and pouted as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in to him. You let out a startled giggle since he scared you.

"She's cuddling with me, Calum. Swim by yourself," Luke smiles, his cute little dimpled smile that you love so much. Calum frowns and glares at Luke. "Don't glare at Calum, even though you're cute when you do," you state, poking his cheek. Calum blushes and rolls over, laying his head on your lap. Luke kept his arms wrapped around you tight, scared Calum would take you away.

Later that night, you cuddle up in your bed with your puppy, Sparky. You giggle as you text Calum and snapchat Luke. Sparky lets out a snore, making you laugh even more.

Luke sits on the sofa next to Michael as he watches him play video games. "Mate, just tell (y/n) how you feel." Michael stated. Luke shook his head no and frowned at his friend with the skunk-like hair. "If you don't, Calum could," Michael said, making a Luke sigh. Mike was right—Calum could like you just as much as he does.

You glance at your phone as Luke text's you to call him. You smile and dial his number. You've always had a slight crush on Luke. He had a perfect smile, but he was shy around people he didn't know. You love his eyes, and you always seem to get lost in them. The thing is, you also have a crush on Calum. He was cheeky, funny, silly, and charming. He is always in a great mood and willing to do anything. Your best girl friend Lilly told you that Calum liked you because she knows love when she sees it, but your mom told you Luke liked you; it was obvious. Yet you never could see it.

Luke pick's up on the 5th ring. "Hey," Luke spoke into the phone, making you smile His voice was so deep and beautiful. "Hi," you blush even though he can't see. "I need to tell you something," Luke sighs. He sounds nervous.

"Okay, Lukey," you said as butterflies flutter in your tummy. "I kinda like you," Luke stutters. "I like you to Luke," you laugh. "No, not like that, I love you," he sighs. You were taken back by that. Luke Hemmings, your best friend, loves you. "I, Luke, i Luke" you stuttered. You liked him to, but what about Calum? Maybe Cabul didn't even like you.

With that thought, a thump sounded from your window. As ironic as it sounds, it was Calum standing there looking very attractive. "Hold on, Luke," you mumble, putting the phone on mute. "Hi calum?"You question, "(y/n) I love you, I really do," Calum confesses. Oh, how you don't know who you were going to choose now that you have your pick between two attractive boys that anyone would want. "Calum," you sigh. Calum frowns in the dark night under the stars as he stands outside your window. "Do you like Luke?" Calum's questions hurt in his voice. "No, I don't know." You let out a deep breath and ran your hands through your hair. Calum grunted outside your window. "I just want you to be mine," Calum groaned. "Just call when you make up your mind," Calum growled at you. He was hurt that you didn't confess your feelings to him right away. How could you pick when you are attracted to both boys and they both just confessed feelings to you?

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