Random luke imagine

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( I didn't re read this to correct errors as I'm really tired. Anyway,  merry Christmas.)

You sighed lightly as you watched the raindrops run down the window. It was a clody gray day with rain showers and a slight breeze. The sound of the run was calming, though. Your layers curled up in your bed with your head rested on the wall, bored and staring at the wall in front of you. It was just a flat pink wall with blue dots. No posters or photos of family. You've taken them down since then. Footsteps from down the hall echoed as your little brother ran around the house with an iron-man doll he got for his birthday last month. You glanced around your messy room and sighed. You know you should be packing, but you just can't get your mind set on it.

Your phone lights up on your nightstand, making you sigh. It was just your boyfriend of a year, Luke, texting you. You've been ignoring him lately since your move. You just don't know how to break the news to him. It's been maybe a week or two since you found out that you're moving to the UK. It was the last minute since your dad was transferred to a new job in the UK. You aren't to excited about moving and leaving Luke, but you have no choice. Maybe once you turn 18, you can move back, but what if you aren't with him anymore?

"Y/n), a voice speaks, startling you out of your thoughts. "Lucas?" You wonder, looking over at your door, how to spot your boyfriend. Luke looked cute today. He was wearing a white shirt with a smiley face and ripped jeans on the knee.

"So,why have you been ignoring me?" Luke asks, sounding hurt, "We tell each other everything, but you ignore me and don't even tell me your movie in 2 days? Luke snaps. Luke was angry; he never gets angry at you. He usually just walks away to go walk off the anger.

"I can't believe you were just going to ignore me, not tell me, and not even try to work this long-distance thing out." Luke's voice was still angry, but not as loud as in the last sentence.

"Who told you?" You asked, sitting up.

"It doesn't matter, because it didn't come from you." Hurt was defiantly in his voice and tears in his eyes.

"Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't know how to tell you." Your voice cracked as you spoke those words.

Luke walked over and pulled you in to him. He rubbed your back as you cried. You stayed like that for a bit, just lying in his arms. It just made you sadder that you had to leave him, but it does not matter right now.

" I want to make this work, Luke; I don't want to lose you."

"I don't want to lose you either, babe; we can make this work if you know we can. And when you turn 18 in 5 months, you can move back here, maybe." luke sighed, sniffling

"It sounds like a deal, but I'll miss you," you kissed his cheeks and sighed.

Two more days, and then you have to leave the love of your life. Maybe you should of told him sooner so you had more time to spend with him. The more time you sat with him cuddled up in bed, the more you knew you wanted this to work more than anything in the world.

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