Babysitting with michael imagine

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Soft jazz music played from the television as you, Michael, and your two twin sisters watched the Aristacats. It was one of those Disney movie nights. It also happened to be one of those nights that you got stuck babysitting your two sisters on a Saturday night. You were so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend who wanted to help you watch them. Hannah and Jess are only 7, but they are so full. Hannah is all about Disney and watching the movies. Jess would run around the house, causing trouble. Your head rested on Michael's shoulder as you watched the cartoon cats walk into an abandoned house. "Boring," Jess groaned, sprawled out on the floor under the table that your and Michael's feet were propped on top of. Hannah was sitting on the floor, straight up, with a smile plastered on her face, as the cats started to play the piano. "Jess, this is the best part," Michael stated, looking down at your annoying, bratty little sister. "Everyone wants to be a cat!" Hannah sang at the top of her lungs. Michael smiled and looked over at you. "I hate this movie," Jess spat, rolling on the floor. Jess sat up, looking at you and Michael. "Skunk, come play barbies with me," Jess said in a little voice. Michael grunted next to you. "After the movie, Jess?" Michael asked, "No, right now, Mikey." Jess pouted, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout. Michael glanced over at you as if he were asking if it was okay. "Go on, Mike, it's fine," you smiled, kissing his lips softly and pulling away. Michael pouted; he hated your short kisses. Once Michael and Jessica walked down the hallway, Hannah moved, so she was sitting next to you. Her full attention is now on you. "Do you love Michael?" She asked, looking up at you with bright green eyes. "Yeah, I do," you smile. You really did love him; you've been dating him for 2 years. "Will you marry him?" she asked. "Maybe." You blushed. You and Mikey were both still so young. Neither of you have talked about that yet.
Michael glanced around the pink princess room as a blonde Barbie clutched his big hand. "Do you love (y/n)?" Jess asked as she dressed another doll. "Yeah," Michael blushed. "Hannah calls you guys Cinderella and Prince Charming," Jessica spoke, shrugging her shoulders. "But I'm not your stepmother, so I call you Beauty and the Beast," she smirked, handing Michael the Beast Barbie doll she got for her birthday.
Once the Aristacats were over you and Michael put the twins to bed. "Thanks for helping out, Mikey," you smiled, kissing his cheek as you cuddled with him on the sofa. "No problem, I love them," Michael smiled, running his hand through your hair. "But I'm not sure if Jess likes me," he chuckled. "Why not? What did she say?" you asked, frightened at what he was about to tell you. For being 7, Jess was pretty rude; she called your best friend Ryan a lizard-faced gecko, and Mary, the ugly Mary, had a little lamb. "She called me the beast," Michael chuckled, crinkling his nose up in a fit of giggles. "Since when was I beautiful?" you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "You've always been, but you just found your beast." Michael smirked as he kissed your lips passionately.

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