Calum Hood Imagine

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The stars twinkled above in the dark sky.It's breath-taking. The night is already peaceful and calm. The only noise you can hear is Calum and your heartbeats. Your head lies on Calum's chest as you look up at the stars in the sky. His arms wrapped tight around you, like he never wanted to let you go. the both of you laying on the rooftop of his apartment, enjoying the last remaining hours before he has to leave to start the tour.

"I'm going to miss you," you mumbled, glancing up at the sky and watching the twinkling stars. Calum took a deep breath beside you and sighed, sitting up and pulling you into his lap.

"(Y/n) I'll be home before you know it," he smiles to himself, burying his face into the crook of your neck. He's going to miss you just as much as you are going to miss him. He loves his job, touring around the world with his three best friends; the only downside is being away from you for months.

"It's going to feel like forever," you sighed, leaning back into his chest. Its going to be hard to get used to him not bugging you as you do homework or try to clean your shared apartment. What you are going to miss the most is waking up next to him. Waking up next to him is your favorite way to start your day.

"I know, but I'll call you ever day," Calum smiles as he trace's patterns on your shoulder. Calum is trying to soak all of this up before he leaves. Three months with you is going to be a challenge.

"I love you so much," you smile, wrapping your arms around his neck as you kiss his lips softly, wanting the kiss to last forever. More than anything, you wanted this moment to last forever. You and Calum are sitting here watching the stars. Something the two of you always do together, but when he's gone, you can still look up and know he's looking up, thinking of you back home.

"I love you too (y/n) always will," you smiled at the kiss and looked into his eyes as you ran your fingers through his dark hair.

"Forever, my rockstar." 

(Sorry for any errors.) (I wrote this on my phone as I was bored.)

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