Ashton imagine

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Fifthteen more minutes, and this class would be over, and you would be reunited with your boyfriend, Ashton Irwin. Fifthteen minutes, though, felt like hours to you, and it feels like its never going to end. Usually, you would just sit in the back of the class room, like always, and keep to yourself. Math class was never complicated for you. Honestly, you looked forward to this class, but lately you wished you could just skip it.

It started recently that you found yourself under the typical blonde snobby girl's radar. Jenny Marshal thinks that she's God's gift on this earth. She walked around school like she owned it. Everyone fears her and her wrath. Lucky for you, you never had to deal with her. She kept her evil wrath to herself. That was until she found out you were dating Ashton Irwin from the band 5 Seconds of Summer. Most of the school already knew that, but Jenny had just discovered your boyfriend's band online. Quickly, she grew eyes for Ashton and the phenomenal music he and his friends play.

First, she started chatting you up at your locker. She's always had the locker next to yours, but now she was acknowledging you.  She quickly pointed out the most recent picture of you and Ashton together. asking if he was your brother, you quickly let her know that he wasn't. Your shy, so you usually just grab your stuff and leave without anyone talking to you.  Next, she asked if Ashton was your boyfriend. Of course, you told her he was. Her nice persona changed quickly when she came face-to-face with you. "Well, that going to change You don't deserve someone like him, I do. So I'll be taking him."

You don't deserve him. He's just normal, stupid, silly Ashton to you. You met Ashton way before he was famous, as he was your mom's best friend's son. You never really talked to him much, as you didn't like talking very much to strangers, let alone cute boys. Ashton liked you right away; he would pester you as much as he could to get you to talk to him. Soon, you discovered you liked talking to him. You soon became amazing friends with his bandmates. Now that he and his friends are taking off with their music careers, you've found people envious of you for it. They all had a chance to get to know who he was back when he attended school with you. So why was it such a big deal who he was now?

Snapping out of your mind, you hear Jenny mention Ashton's name. "You better see it coming, but me and Ashton are so hooking up this Saturday at his gig," she smiled as widely as ever. She quickly sends you a death glare before saying something else about you. "i don't know what Ashton see's in (y/n); its not like she's pretty." You quickly tune Jenny out. Your blood was boiling, and your breathing was uneven. It definitely hurts that she belittles you every day in class, but she was not about to show up at Ashton's show and make you feel terrible.

The bell rings, making you jump out of your seat. This was the moment you had been waiting for all day. Shoving everything into your blue backpack, you rush out of the small class room. Jenny was hollering out at you to enjoy Ashton while he was still yours. The hall was full of students, but you just shoved past. Ashton was in the parking lot waiting for. He just got back from a two-week tour, and his homecoming show is tomorrow. He got back yesterday, but today would mark the first time you have seen him since he left.  You haven't stopped walking since you exited class, excited to be in Ash's arms. As you exit the school doors, you come to a stop as you frown to see Jenny has beat you outside and has found your boyfriend. Of course, she was all over him.

Ashton looked uncomfortable. He caught a glimpse of you and smiled. Oh, how he has missed you so much. He knows by your frowning that you don't approve of this girl all over him.

    "(Y/n)" He yells, pushing Jenny out of the way nicely and walking over to you.

"I've missed you, Ash," you sigh, walking into his arms and taking in his scent and how perfect he looked.

"Why do you even like her, Ashton?" Jenny spits with disgust in her voice. She isn't used to guys turning her 'charm' down.  Ashton frowns, turning around and looking at her. "why wouldn't I? She's perfect in every single way and i Love her." Ashton speaks  with clear annoyance  in his voice with that, he grabs your hand and leads you to his car

 "Thank you Ashton for sticking up for me." Getting into his car, you watch as he gets in on the driver side. "I will always stick up for you, silly," he laughs, leaning over to peck your lips. "I love you; don't let that petty girl tell you different. You are Everything to me." 

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