Chapter 17

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Lena realized her mistake.

She realized to little, to late.


"Y/n, l-love, I'm sorr-" and out of nowhere a blast seperates the two.

The blast forced the two apart from each other, Lena rewinded to heal herself from any damage. Y/n on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen.

"Y/n!" Lena shouted out desperately. She was panicking. I shouldn't have stopped her, I shouldn't have bursted out at her. What am I thinking?! Lena yells at herself.

"Talon incoming! Tracer, get out of there!" Soldier yells.

Lena was just standing there, but lucky for her Reinhardt showed up and shielded her. "Go my friend!" Reinhardt says. "But Y/n." "I can't hold for longer." he grunts as his barrier slowly chips away.

"Tracer, now!" Soldier orders and Lena immediately gets out line of sight. Reinhardt puts down his barrier and follows after, D.Va's defense matrix serving as a temporary shield.


Now Lena was in the muck of it all.

Multiple soldiers have already been struck down and Lena feared one of those bodies were Y/n. They really needed her to at the moment. There was no one else who knew this broken place better than Y/n.

That was Overwatch's plan, Lena's?

To get Y/n out safe and alive.

"Tracer! Get you're head in the game! We can look for Y/n later after the battle!" Soldier says sternly. Lena hesitates for a moment before nodding. Y/n would want her to fight on whether she was missing or not.

"We have to get some ground, we're getting blown to bits here!" Pharah shouts over the gunfire. Throughout the entirety of this battle, they haven't gotten any ground and have been eating up damage.

The tanks shields were being chipped away, the flankers couldn't flank with the heavy defense, Pharah couldn't take to the skies and worst of all, Y/n and the healer were no where to be seen.

"Tracer, Genji go on the flank. Genji, you distract them as much as you can. Tracer you find Widow and confirm her location along with the rest of the Talon agents if you can." Soldier gives out his orders.

"We'll slowly push from the front line using D.Va's defense metrix and Orisa's and Reinhardt's barriers. Now go!" the old soldier shouts and everyone gets into action.

Lena spots a standing building, there wasn't much standing buildings so Lena thought either Widow is up there or she can use that as a vantage point to look out for anything. The Brit blinks into the building and blinks up to the roof.

"Not here." Lena mumbles to herself.

She overlooks the battlefield, not like she could shoot from up here. Her guns weren't made for long range unlike Widow'd sniper.

The brunette spots Genji still harassing the Talon front lines while the rest of the team push forward. "Lena, see anything?" Soldier asks through the comms. Lena immediately looks around to see Widow far in the back line shooting at something far off into the distance.

Reaper, Doomfist and Moira behind the front lines with Sombra no where to be found. "Widow's in the back. Reaper, Doomfist and Moira not far behind the front line." Tracer reports.

"I spot Moira." Genji says. "Good, distract her. We'll break through the shield in no time with Bastion." Soldier says.

"Lena, we need you back for a bit more extra fire power." Soldier calls but gets no response. The brunette was to buzy trying to look for Y/n.

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