Chapter 6

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Lena stared up at the night sky .

The soft yet spiky grass poking her bare arms as she laid down . Y/n , who was behind her , was already sound asleep .

Lena didn't dare wake the y/h/c haired girl up . From the way Y/n looked before to how she looked now , her physique had major changes . Instead of being the once chubby and short girl she knew , she was now a strong and tall figure .

Her mentality in other words , hasn't changed one bit . The same objective to makr sure everyones alright and happy . She was still the dorky and loveable girl Lena fell in love with .

Only now , she hides it . With an expressionless mask that Lena also wears .

With a heavy sigh , Lena sits up . Hugging her knees close to her chest . After Y/n mentioned that she missed they way they've been , she immediately dropped the topic . Lena wanted to push further , but by the way Y/n acted towards the questions she definitely did not want to talk about it .


Lena stared at Y/n , a little suprised to hear those words from her .

Y/n herself was suprised with her sudden choice of words . The y/e/c eyed girl cleared her throat , trying to bring up a different topic .

"Anyways , hows Overwatch ? I heard that you guys are still saving the world despite the ban . Quite the rebels you are huh?" Y/n asked . "Y/n-" "Are you doing it to cause of you are I'm fine with that . I mean , I'm still here." Y/n chuckled awkwardly .

"Y/n." Lena called again . "What?" Y/n asked , a bit hesitant to answer her question .

"Do you ? Really?" Lena asks . "I don't know what you're talking about." Y/n acts dumbfounded . "Y/n come on , I just need to he-" "Yes." Y/n cut the Brit off .

"You?" Lena asked for confirmation . "Yes , I did . Now please can we talk about something else." Y/n begs . Lena stares into her y/e/c and sighs before nodding .


Lena did feel like she was given the cold shoulder by the girl . But she couldn't blame her . What has Lena done for Y/n after days or even probably weeks of banging on the Overwatch doors ?

Not many people are that persistent . True , she gave up after awhile but not after weeks of wasting hours in front of a almost never responding door .

The Brit turned her head to stare at the sleeping girl's figure . Her chest rising up and down slowly , her breathing at a steady pace and her calm features . Lena missed these moments , just being able to stare at her former girlfriend . Not in this type of condition , but the exact type of feeling .

"Rude to stare you know ? I was thinking you would have left by now." Y/n says , stretching . Lena snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Y/n in confusion . "No love , you're coming with me right?" Lena said .

"I never said yes." Y/n stayed stubborn . "Love , staying here isn't good for you." Lena says . "So you let me sleep cause you think I need it , yeah . I know , just , I don't want to leave here." Y/n admitted . "I thought you loved Kings Row , what changed you're mind?" Y/n asked .

"The fact I have to save my entire world." Lena blurted out . She panicked for a second but calmed down when Y/n didn't show much of a reaction .

Y/n stood up slowly and gave Lena a  hand . Lena graciously took it and pulled herself up . It was cold just like any other morning in Kings Row but Lena was wearing such thin clothing , she barely haf anything to warm up with . Y/n noticed the Brit shivering and took of the coat she was wearing and wrapped around Lena .

For My World (Tracer X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ