Chapter 15

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It was killing Lena internally.

The quiet atmosphere scared the Brit to a different extent. Why?

Eversince the pair woke up, Y/n didn't say a word. Her words from last night seeming to be her last. Lena would ask here and there but Y/n would give her a nod or hum in response.

What was worse, was that she left today. Like Soldier said before, they would go to Kings Row against Talon and either win it or lose it.

All they've ever fought for could end then and there.

So Lena was determined to win it.

What was bothering her was, what the her girlfriend thought about the situation. It scared Lena that Y/n had taken her advice to move on to seriously and numbed herself to the point of no turning back.

It was far from that actually.

Lena just didn't know it.

With a defeated sigh, Lena stood up and opened the door but not before checking on Y/n once more. She still sat there, unmoving and staring at the mug in her hands.

"I love you Y/n, this ones for the world." Lena said, loud enough for the y/e/c eyed girl to hear. Hoping that Y/n knew what she meant.

Y/n gave no response once again.

Lena sniffled a little bit before leaving out the door. Once the Brit was gone, Y/n let the tears fall. She was scared honestly, the only reason she didn't react or anything was to stop herself from doing anything indespicable.

But those last words were really what cracked Y/n's defenses around her heart.

Whats wrong with you? You didn't even answer?! Y/n yelled at herself.

Wanting no more than to beat herself up. Y/n cried harder, her sobs loud enough to be heard from the outside.

But no one was outside, all the agents were out to Kings Row. Y/n was just alone with her thoughts and regrets now.

It was then when Y/n remembered a choice she was given. Not wasting anymore precious time, Y/n grabbed her phone and dialled a very specific number.


"You okay Lena?" Lucio asks.

All the agents were onboard the dropship to Kings Row. They were all expecting Lena to the jumpy and cheery person they know, so it shocked them when she showed with rainclouds above her head.

"Yeah? I don't know." Lena shrugged. "Whats wrong? You never act like this." the DJ asks politely. Lena nods her head and averts her gaze away from everyone.

"We can't lose this." Lena muttered. "We can't what?" he asks. "We can't lose! All we've been fighting for, all I've been fighting for is on the line and shes giving me no response or hope!" Lena bursts out angrily.

The Brit's eyes widened and slumps into her seat. "I'm sorry, you just don't understand how it feels. To see her act as if she knows its all over." Lena whispers.

"Then we'll have to prove her wrong then." Lucio encourages. "How?" Lena mumbled. "What do you really want?" the Brazilian asks. "For her to be with me, more than anything." Lena answers.

"Then think about the life you'll have together after the war. When its all over and the biggest threat is gone. Think about that and make that you're motivation." Lucio says.

Lena looks up, a glint of hope in her eyes. "Okay, yeah I'll do that." Lena says, her normal happy attitude showing. "No wonder you're such a good influence." Lena giggles. "I learn it from the best." Lucio grins and Lena smiles.

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