Chapter 10

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Waking up without Y/n by her side wasn't new .

She did wake up after the fall of Kings Row . Its just that now when she has Y/n back with her , she hopes she will wake up to find her sleeping figure close by everyday .

But then again , there is also Y/n's opinion .

If Lena had the choice , she would be with Y/n sleeping on the chair . She didn't care , she just wanted to be there with her .

Y/n , on the other hand , practically forced Lena to go back to her room for the night . She even threatened to get up and drag her there .

Lena , not wanting to reopen her wounds further , obeyed and went back to her room that night . The Brit sat up straight on her bed rubbing her eyes , yawning .

She checked the clock to see it was 7.14 am , another forty six minutes before Lena could go visit Y/n .

This was another problem .

The medical wing , like other hospitals , had visiting hours . Why ? Because Angela said so . Mostly because according to her , the patients need rest . Despite the place not being an actual hospital , more like a sick bay or school nurse you would have at a normal school .

The difference obviously being the people who work there . One has a normal certified nurse , and the other has a doctor that has saved thousands of lives and is seen as a miracle worker .

Big difference right ?

Lena gets out of her bed , the cold floor triggering Lena's senses a bit . The Brit groggily goes to the kitchen and make herself coffee instead tea .

While that was brewing , she made herself breakfast . She put the plate on the table and grabbed her coffee then started eating .

The moment she finished eating , there was a knock on the door . Lena made her over to the door and opened it , not really caring to ask who it was . There were only Overwatch agents here , so she doubts its some kind of criminal or some sort .

"Hello Lena." a cybernetic voice greets .

"Hey Genji." Lena yawns as she puts her plate and cup inside the sink . "Tired , I see." Genji chuckles and Lena nods . "Don't worry though ! I'll be my energetic self in no time!" Lena chirps , attempting to ignore her drowsiness . "Once you get you're daily dose of Y/n that is." Genji teases , earning glare from the brunette .

"Why you here Genji ? I am not making you free breakfast . You already have you're sushi." Lena warns , remembering the times Genji came in for breakfast .

"No , not this time . Winston said all agents have to gather at the training ground for am important meeting." Genji informs .

"What time?" Lena asks . The cyborg thinks for a minute before replying . "8 , better if you come earlier." he says and Lena looks anxious .

"But I was supposed to meet Y/n at that time." Lena says . "Well then you'll have to try stay awake and sane for the mean time . Good luck Lena." Genji says before leaving out the door .

Lena groans , sitting down at her island table and burying her face in her hands .


"Why now?" Lena groans .

Most of the agents were already here , some of them weren't . So they were waiting for them .

"Lena , I know you haven't gotten you're daily dose of Y/n . But can you not rub in the rest of our faces." Hana , or better known as D.Va , says .

For My World (Tracer X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang