Chapter 9

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The first thing Y/n thought was how absolutely tired she was .

Well thats what you get for not getting any shut eye Y/n thought . She looked at herself in the mirror , dark bags under eyes and an almost dead expression on her face .

She hoped a miracle would happen , that her eye bags would dissapear before Lena wakes up . Lets be honest , what the chances of that ?

Y/n was sure Lena would be worried the moment she wakes up and sees her . The y/h/c haired girl will never see the end of it .

Knowing miracles don't happen first hand , she attempted to go to sleep . Not really caring that it was morning , she just needed atleast some shut eye or else her body might give up on her in the worst possible time . Like earlier .

She shut her eyes and felt herself become more and more drowsy . Not fighting it , she fell asleep right away .


Lena was already panicking .

Why ? Y/n hasn't woke up . Angela had to come in and calm the Brit down , telling her that Y/n didn't get any sleep last night . So the y/e/c eyed girl needed sleep desperately .

Lena calmed down a bit more and was actually glad Y/n was asleep now . Or else she would have been super worried about Y/n not getting any sleep .

Angela watched Lena check on Y/n constantly from afar and concluded the brunette had developed some form of paranoia . She was a doctor after all .

But her reasons were justified , Lena had lost Y/n once and was not willing to lose her again . The Swiss also suspected Y/n had the same problem .

Atleast they both can take care of each other Angela thought . She just hoped it doesn't get out of hand .

The blonde did have other business ti attend to , so she left them alone in each other's company .

Lena simply played with Y/n's unmoving fingers . Suprisingly her fingers were super flexible .

Not so much though since Lena bent her finger so much , it jolted Y/n awake . Y/n screeched and pulled her hand away , rubbing it . Lena got startled and started apologizing . "Its okay , just don't do that okay ? I have my limits." Y/n chuckles , Lena just giggling awkwardly .

"Well , I'm awake . What do we do now?" Y/n asked . The Brit shrugged while the y/h/c haired girl tried to get out of bed . Only to hurt her back .

"Gah , bad idea." Y/n cursed as she laid back down .

"Sorry Y/n , you'll have to stay in bed for awhile." a certain Swiss says . "How long is awhile?" Y/n asked without even looking knowing who it was already .

"Sometime." Angela replies . "Not really answering the question , but anyways . How did you know I was awake?" Y/n asked . "I heard you're screech . Very attracting." Angela joked , causing Y/n to playfully glare at Lena .

"Here." Angela handed Y/n a bottle of ointment . "Use it when you feel pain." Angela explains and Y/n nods . "Well , I have duties to do . I'll see you two when I can." the doctor says before leaving once again .

"Buzy women." Y/n mumbled undee her breath , loud enough for Lena to hear .

"She is a lifesaver though!" Lena chirps and the y/e/c eyed girl nodded in agreement .

Silence .

"What are we?" Lena blurted out randomly . "Humans obviously." Y/n answered , half joking and half confused . "No , I mean." Lena hesitated . Y/n gave her a warm smile .

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