Chapter 2

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Eventhough Y/n will never admit it out loud .

She hated Overwatch .

It wouldn't take much thought to know why . Shes blamed them for the dissapearance of Lena and the destruction of her home, Kings Row .

She didn't fully blame them . She knew they had to escape , she was there .

No , it was the fact that they left the citizens , dead or alive , to stay forgotten . They never came to honour those who died . Those who survived are barely trying to keep themselves together .

What they got was only a long roll of caution tape around them .

Y/n has come across multiple other people who survived the attack . Either they were insane , severely injured or threatening .

She tried to save those injured but there was no hope .

Hesitantly , the y/h/c would apologize multiple times before leaving . They would die soon after , not before thanking her for trying .

Thats what Overwatch lacked .

The habit of trying harder .

Y/n knew they could've tried to fight the odds . Not that it would risk them , they were capable . They just chose to leave .

Even when they could have came to her rescue , they never searched for survivors .

Y/n , has changed to say the least . The amount of gore and death shes witnessed changed her perspective on life . Instead of be free and have fun , its stay safe and alive . Love the ones you love when you can .

If it had to be one specific event that changed her entirely would be the first corpse she found .

Her neighbour's


Steadily , Y/n stood up and looked around herself .

Looking for anyone else that could have survived .

Her eyes stopped when she turned to her right . A body , crushed under a heavy piece of debris .

A pool of blood surrounded the part where she pressumed the head was .

No doubt , she was dead . That rock killed her on impact .

Y/n , shaken by the sight , proceeded to walk to it . It was her neighbour . Y/n grabbed the debris and tried to get the huge rock off of her .

After a few tries , she suceeded .

The sight was gory . Beyond Y/n's wildest imaginations .

The head was covered in blood , the chest crushed , the ribs most likely taking the heaviest amount of damage , the leg was bent in a way it shouldn't be .

"No , no , no." Y/n mumbled , backing away and falling onto her knees .

She curled up into a ball , rocking herself back and forth .


The y/e/c eyed girl eventually got over it . She couldn't leave it there to rot .

She got over her fear and gave her a proper burial , letting her rest .

Sadly she couldn't do the same for the rest of the citizens of Kings Row . Any other body she stumbled upon would already be rotten , dried up blood and everything .

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