It was only when i reached the kitchen i realised that i wasn't feeling too good either today. I leaned against the countertop and put my head on the worktop and waited for the feeling to pass before grabbing the medicine and running back up the stairs to me and zayns room.

Zayns POV

Niall had stopped crying shortly after louis had gone downstairs. Poor thing must have the stomach flu. He just lay on my chest, lifeless. Even when louis had returned he didnt even lift his head to see who it was like he usually does. "Here you are darlin, this will make you feel much better" louis spoke softly to niall. What scared me the most is that niall didnt even complain and just took the medicine with no fuss! Usually thats a two man job and sometimes we even have to call liam to help.

"How about we go downstairs and watch finding nemo and have lots and lots of cuddles and your bottle?" Louis asked niall while gently rubbing his little back. The only response louis got was a nod from the little boy.

"You take him down, ill grab his bunny and make his bottle. He doesn't need a nappy change, does he? " i asked "no, he's all dry, arent you bug?" Louis cooed before taking niall downstairs while i put on some pants and got nialls bunny. On my way down stairs i got a text from liam

Liam: hi papa, can you collect me at the library at 2 please? Thank you :)

I sent a quick reply before going to make niall a bottle of milk, adding some medicine to help him get better and putting it in the microwave for a minute to heat up.

As i made my way back into the living room i noticed louis didnt look to good either. Not that i dont find him attractive or anything, his face was alot paler than usual and he looked as though he was sweating but yet he was cold.

"Lou, you feelin' alright love?" I asked shaking up the bottle and taking niall into my arms again. " yeah, just tired" louis whispered back. Thats not like louis. Usually hes jumping around the place like a mad man and talking loudly. "You sure?" I replied, placing nialls head in the crook of my elbow and placing the bottle to his lips. "Yeah" he whispered again. Thats odd.

Niall began to suck on the nipple of his bottle hungrily. As if he hadnt eaten for days. He was drinking it a little too fast. "Sweetheart slow down youre gonna make yourself..." But before louis could finish niall sat up and covered the floor beneath us in a blanket of vomit.

"Lou, quick grab the bin" i exclaimed, my voice laced with urgency as i rubbed nialls back while he threw up the contents of his stomach.

As soon as louis returned he sat beside us on the couch and held the bin under nialls mouth as he continued to throw up. "Thats it love, just let it all out" i comforted. Eventually niall finished and burst out into a heartbreaking sob. I gathered my son in my arms and gave him a loving, comforting embrace while carding my fingers through his golden locks. They seemed to be getting darker as time went on. Maybe they could even turn brown in the future, i mean liams did.

"Youre all done buddy, eh? All finished now" i cooed as nialls sobs reduced to hiccups and the occasional sniffle. "You want your dummy?" I whispered into his tiny ear. "Yeah pweas" he lisped back sadly. My poor little man.

After about two minutes of slipping the blue dummy in nialls mouth he had drifted off into a peaceful slumber. I kissed his little forehead and lay him on the couch with his bunny and a light blanket thrown over him. He really was an adorable child.

I turned around to walk back to the sofa when my eyes met louis who hadnt moved from where he was when niall had thrown up and , based on the look on his face , he was about to follow suit.

"Lou, just let it out" i whispered into his ear as i rubbed his back while he began to throw up too. "Im sorry-" he began to say before the bile arose from his stomach "-zayn" he finished. "No worries, love" i soothed.

When he eventually finished i took the bin from his grasp and pulled him into a lazy hug, seen as he probably needs a minute to get his breathe back. " i love you" he mumbles weakly into my shoulder. "And i love you too. Forever and always" i answered, placing a kiss on his nose. "Now im gonna clean this up and collect liam. You stay there and go to sleep for another while darlin'" i whispered "hhm" was the only reply i got before louis practically passed out on the sofa.

I quickly mopped up the floor and wash out the bin before checking on the boys again. I carefully put one hand under nialls head and one under his bum and picked him up, cradling him to my chest as i put him in his carseat, not wanting him to wake louis if he wakes up.

I got into the black audi and started it up, listening to the crunch of gravel under the wheels as i drove out the gate and onto the road, driving slowly so niall wouldnt wake up.

As i arrived at the library, liam was waiting outside with a girl. As liam spotted the car he leaned in to give the girl a good bye kiss. So, liams got a girlfriend then?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the passenger door flew open, liam sitting into the car quietly after seeing niall fast asleep in the back.

"Thanks papa" liam chirped, dark red lipstick around his mouth. "Youve got something right there" i chuckled pointing to his mouth. I dont think ive ever seen his cheeks blush so red. They almost matched the lipstick around his mouth! "Really?" He asked as he flipped down the sun visor, checking in the mirror "oh god" "yeah you animal!" I laughed patting him on the shoulder. You could practically feel him cringing.

"So, you got yourself a little girlfriend now did ya?" I smiled. "Yeah, her names sofia and i really do love her papa" liam answered. He really did seem to genuinely like her. "Well liam, if you like her then she is probably very special" i started "but, just remember, your dad and i made a mistake when we were young and in love but thankfully it worked out for the better and now we have you and then got married and had niall but its not always that simple. Just keep the tea cozy on the teapot , if you get me" why couldnt louis have this conversation..

"DAD!" Liam exclaimed, totally embarrassed by my words "im only 15!" "I know but i was only 16 when you came along so yeah.. Just remember what i said" i added as we pulled into the driveway "oh and your dad and niall have the stomach flu so just be careful around them"

I lifted niall from his carseat and took him inside, along with liam. "Papa can i hold ni while he sleeps?" Liam pouts feeling bad for leaving niall when he wasnt well. "Sure ill give him to you, just go sit on the couch" i replied hanging up my keys while liam sat down on the couch adjacent to louis. I set niall down on liams lap and watched as he nuzzled into his big brothers warm chest and sighed sleepily before his breathing became even again.

Liam's POV

I cuddled with Niall on the couch while watching the end of finding nemo. The poor thing must be really sick because his forehead was uncomfortably hot against my chest.

Dad began to stir on the sofa. I watched silently as he sat up slowly, wiping his eyes with his hands and stretching. "Hi dad" i voiced softly as he wasn't fully awake yet. "Li?" He asked, sleep evident in his voice. "Yeah dad, you alright?"" Actually a lot better thanks" he spoke, smiling at me and ni. "Stay there i need a picture of this" he said literally jumped from the couch and into the kitchen getting his phone and returning, snapping a few shots of his two sons. "Oh my god, wait until i send this to nana" i chuckled as he freaked out over how "cute" his two boys were. "Dad im not cute .." I murmured "oh ok so your handsome then"

No ones pov

That night the family cuddled up on the couch together, Niall only awaking when he needed to be sick. Louis felt perfect again after his little vomit session earlier.

That night zayn and louis took it in turns to assist Niall, meaning the whole family was tired the next day, but they knew it wouldn't last much longer and they would be back on track in no time.

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