I Could Have Saved Them

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Barbara's P.O.V.

     I walked back into Theo's penthouse. I wasn't gone for more than 3 hours, but they would have noticed. They always had to watch my every move.

     When I entered the main room, Tabitha immediately marched up to me. "Where were you!?" She exclaimed. I shook my head. "I told you. Business."

     "What business?" She asked. I ignored her. "Listen, Barbara. If you keep doing this, my brother is going to be mad. We broke you out for a reason!" I stopped and spun around, surprising her.

     "You broke six others out too, but where are they!? You let two of them escape and let four of them die! Hell, you killed most of them! Your brother should have let me die, because Y/N is my best friend, and he drove her away. He killed Jerome because he's a selfish, manipulative-"

     I was cut off when a sharp pain erupted in my cheek. I brought my hand to my cheek and looked at her. "Did you just slap me?"

     "My brother has done horrible things, but so have you, and so have I. Y/N, Jerome, Greenwood, all of you guys were picked because you did bad stuff! But Theo is still my brother, and you will not talk about him like that," she yelled.

     I crossed my arms. "Weren't you telling me how he held a knife to your throat because you told Jerome and Y/N about his plan?" I asked. She shook her head. "He apologized. He still loves me. Those two got in the way."

     I scoffed. "How? By doing what he wanted them to? If he didn't want them to do what they did, why did he break them out? Break us out? Your brother is a spoiled brat, and he just tied you up in his web of lies. Have fun with the other dead bugs."

     I stomped off to my room before she could follow.


     I stood on the doorway of Y/N's room. Hers and Jerome's were secluded from the rest of ours, but they didn't care; they were next to each other. I mean, they didn't even use Jerome's room most of the time.

     When I would wake up in the middle of the night, I would check on Y/N to make sure she was ok, but I didn't need to. Jerome was always right next to her, his grip wrapped around her like he was the only thing that could keep her from disappearing. I guess we know that he was right.

     I felt a breath on my neck. "So sad that they had to leave so soon," Theo said. I rolled my eyes. "You killed him. You can't be that sad." He chuckled. "So, you are mad about me killing Jerome."

     I turned to him and looked at him in disgust. "Of course I am!" He seemed surprised, but he had to have known. "You killed my best friend's boyfriend! She ran away because of you! No matter how close I am with you or Tabitha, you tore away the only real bond I had in this house."


     I sat on my bed. For once, I felt sad and guilty. I was never the nicest to Jerome, but that was our bond. We were always like that: being rude and teasing each other, but he was like a brother to me.

     It took me so long to realize this, and now that he's gone, it's been eating away at me. Jerome and Y/N were in love, no doubt about it. They were the one for each other. I sat there and did nothing, letting them be ripped apart, ruining one another.

     If I would have done something; killed or even hit Theo a little bit harder in the head, Jerome would be alive, and him and Y/N would be right here. I mean, I knew what their plans were! I didn't expect them to be so drastic, but I got the idea. I could have saved them.

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