Hello Gotham

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     You stood on the corner of the street, staring at the apartment full of people that wanted you dead, but you were needed for this. It was your job to take out Galavan. The things he did to you and Jerome, were unforgivable. He was a liar. An ugly, measly, liar.

     You took one more look around before marching into the apartment building. You walked through the halls of the building, noticing not many people were out and about. That was one thing you missed about Gotham. The people here didn't bother you. They kept to themselves, knowing the trouble a simple question could get them into.

     You stopped at the door and put your hand up to open it, but stopped at the sound of voices. You could barely hear, so you quietly snuck through the door, which was slightly ajar. The opening was big enough for you to get through.

     "What's the plan?" Harvey asked. "We get into that building, find Galavan, put a gun in his mouth until he gives up Bruce," Jim instructed. You looked to a man with dark hair and a bird like face and realized that he must be Oswald Cobblepot; the Penguin.

     Most of these random men must be working for him. "Then I kill him slowly," he added. "No," Jim said. "Then we arrest him." You furrowed your eyebrows. Reach Galavan without killing his punk ass? What a shitty plan.

Ours is much better, don't you think? One of the voices said.

What plan? We came here cause we heard that Galavan was going to be killed, but I guess that was a lie, the other one said.

     Penguin waddled up to Jimbo. "Yeah, no! Are you nuts? After all that he's done?" Jim glared at the bird. "He's going to stand trial. Gotham needs to know who he really is."

     "Gotham needs him dead!" Penguin fired back. You smiled. Finally, somebody agreed with you. Galavan was a trashy excuse of a body.

     "Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit," said an old man that you recognized from the gala. The gala that Jerome was killed at. He kept protecting Bruce Wayne. Where was the boy billionaire anyway?

     "Can we just stop the bunny and just first get in there, please, chaps!?" He said in his British accent. You quietly giggled. He sounded so sophisticated while trying to be all tough.

     The two still had a stare down, even when the conversation began again. "Yes," Jim began. "Let's go." Suddenly, a man behind them joined in. "Seriously, that's it?" He asked. "You have no plan."

     The man was tall with dark skin. He seemed smart, like really smart. "How are you even going to get into the building?" He pointed out. You rolled your eyes at their stupidity. First, they didn't even notice you come in. Second, they don't even have a plan!

     "I know a way." Everybody looked to the little girl that just spoke. She was short with curly hair and dressed in leather. She was perched on the window. "Who is she?" The man asked. "Fox, that's Cat. Cat, Fox," Harvey introduced. You looked at Cat and smiled. She seemed dangerous.

     "You know a way in?" Jim asked with a raised eyebrow. You stared at the man. Did she not just say that? She rolled her eyes, clearly feeling the same way. "Yeah, I know a way in, Gordon," she said as she walked into the room.

     "How do we know you haven't stitched us up?" The British man asked. "I mean, you switch sides often enough. How do we know you're not working with Galavan?" You looked back to the girl. So she was a liar, too.

     "How do I know that you're not a Martian in a rubber suit," she fired back. "I trust her," Jim confessed. He looked to the man before back to cat. "You're in, Cat. Thanks for your help, Grab a vest. Let's go."

     "People? Surely we should have a backup strategy," Fox said. "Given The strong possibilities of failure." Oswald walked up to the man. "Au Contraire, Mr. Fox. Failure is not an option!" Fox looked to Gordon. "What he said," Jim replied. Fox nodded. "As you like."

     You decided it was time for you to reveal yourself. You slowly walked out. "Oswald's right," you said, causing everybody to look at you. Their faces slowly turned to ones of shock.

     You stared at them with a blank face. "We cannot let him win again."

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