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     Everybody stood by the gate, waiting for Cat to open up and let you guys in. You looked around, quickly becoming bored. "How long does it take?" You complained. Jim turned around and shushed you.

     After awhile, the gate was opened and Cat stood there. "Come on in." Everybody followed her through the building. She led everybody to a long stair case. You stared at the top. "I should have worked out while I was gone," you said before running up the stairs.

     After about five minutes, you saw Harvey stop. "Oh, for Pete's sake," he complained before starting up again. You giggled. "Come on, Harv! You gotta do better then that! Is this why you couldn't catch Jerome and I?" You teased. "Shut it, psycho!" He shouted.

     Once you guys were about halfway up, you heard chanting. Jim and Harvey both stopped. "What in the hell is that?" Harvey asked. "Nothing good," Jim said. You stopped when you reached them. "Nothing with Galavan is ever good."

     Jim began running up, but Harvey stayed. "I'll be right there." You began laughing. "Oh, Harv! Be careful, Humpty. Make sure you don't fall!" You laughed and began running to catch up with everyone.

     Once you were close to the top, the chanting stopped. Everybody froze and looked at each other, but you only laughed. "We have about five seconds before little ole Bruce is dead." The British man glared at you, but Jim clapped him on the shoulder. "We got this, Alfred. Don't listen to her." You looked to the man named Alfred. "Yeah, ignore me. I only lived with him."

     You guys finally reached the top. Jim kicked the door open and everybody pushed in. Once you were in, you saw Bruce tied to a pole surrounded by hooded figures. You noticed that Theo and Tabitha were all there, along with a little girl with blonde hair.

     "Who is she?" You asked aloud. Cat walked up. "She is their niece. A total bitch." You nodded. "Makes sense."

     The hooded figures all raced towards you and you guys stopped in the middle of the room. Everybody was in a stance, ready to fight at any given moment.

     One of the hooded figures held a knife up. "Sacrilege!" He shouted. That must have been the okay because they suddenly were running at you. You guys shot at the men that only held blades. They slowly fell, some making it to you guys and attacking, but you fought them off.

     One guy was trying to hold you back, but you turned around. "Can I ask you something?" You asked the man. He looked at you confused. "What's sacrilege?" He straightened up, but you shot him. "Now that is how you sacrilege somebody."

     You watched the last man fall and turned to the guy that was next to Bruce. You saw Bruce staring at you in fear, so you waved. "Hiya, Bruce. Bet ya didn't think you would see me here to save ya, did ya?"

     "Drop the knife, old man," Jim ordered. "It's over." The man smirked. "So it would seem." Out of nowhere, he brought the knife up and lunged at Jim. You jumped when the man was shot in the chest and fell to the floor, dead.

     You all turned and saw Harvey. He brought his gun down and smiled weakly. "That was a lot of stairs."

     Alfred and Cat ran up to Bruce. Cat untied him while Alfred put his hands on his cheeks. "Are you all right?" Once Cat undid the rope, Bruce hugged Alfred.

     "Where's Galavan?" Jim asked. You looked around and noticed he was gone. You turned to Jim with an angry glare. "You let him escape!" Jim turned to you before running out. You went to follow him, but Harvey held you back. "Harvey! Let me go! I need to kill him!" You shouted.

     "Why?" He asked. You looked at him with tears filling your eyes. "He killed him, Harvey. He killed Jerome. I can't let him get away with that." Harvey looked at you with pity, which gave you a chance to escape. You pushed him away and ran in the direction of Jim.

     You heard footsteps following you. "Go away, Harvey!" You shouted. "It's not Harvey." You stopped and turned around, seeing Penguin. "What do you want?" You asked. "Theo took somebody we loved and held dear to our hearts away. I want to kill Theo just as much as you do."

     You stared at him before turning around. "If you're coming, you better hurry." You didn't wait for him and ran towards the direction that you thought Jim would take. You heard penguin following you.

     Once you reached the room, you stopped when you saw Jim getting on his knees, and some new guy holding a gun at him. The bald man put his hand on Theo's shoulder. Oswald walked pass you and grabbed a vase. You went to the other guy and hit him in the head with your gun. Oswald smashed the vase on the man's head, knocking him out.

     Jim jumped up and aimed his gun at Oswald and you. "Woah, woah, woah! Nobody shoot!" Oswald shouted. "We are all friends here."

     "Like hell we are," Jim said. You gasped. "Jimbo! I thought we were gettin' somewhere!" He glared at you. "I apologize for that," Oswald said, pointing to the unconscious man. "I don't," You said. They both looked at you. "What?" You asked.

     You looked at Theo and saw he was staring at you in shock. You smirked and waved at him. You could tell he knew he was screwed. He thought you were gone for good, or better yet, dead.

     "But there we are," Oswald continued, ignoring you. "Done now. They're still alive. That's something. Look forward now, Jim! What now? I will kill you to get to him if I have to. Forget that this man sicced Barbara Kean on you. Forget that he nearly killed the mother of your child. Forget revenge. Think of the greater good. Think of Gotham. He has the courts in his pocket and billions of dollars at his command. Are you 100% sure that he won't beat this and walk free again? Are you sure, Jim? Think of Gotham."

     Penguin was interrupted by one of the walkie-talkies going off. "Captain. Bravo team. In the vicinity of the penthouse." You looked from the radio to Jim. "But think fast!" Oswald hurried. You watched him stare at Oswald with wide eyes, trying to make up his mind.

     You slowly walked over to Jim, making him point the gun at you. Once you reached him, you grabbed the gun and pulled it from his hands. You hid the look of surprise on your face since he let you.

     "I'm back now, Jim. This man killed Jerome; the love of my life. I won't rest until he is dead. I will kill as many people as I can to avenge Jerome; innocent or not. Getting rid of him, will save many, many lives," You said in a calm voice. He stared at you with the same wide eyes before turning to Theo.

     Theo looked at you guys with a glare. "Don't do this, Jim. You have rules; morals. This goes against them all," he tried to argue. Jim's eyes went back to their normal size. "So does letting the innocent people of Gotham die."

     You smirked, knowing he was agreeing with you and Oswald. He knocked Theo out and grabbed him. You four snuck out of the penthouse.

     You sat in the passenger seat while Oswald and Jim threw him in the trunk. Jim got in the front, while Oswald took the seat in the middle.

     "I am so proud of you, princess," you heard a voice say. You snapped your head to the seat behind Jim. You saw the ghost of your boyfriend sitting there, smiling at you. "Thank you," You whispered. He nodded. "I miss you, babygirl, but your work here is not done. Don't let people forget who I am. Make them remember me forever; Remember us," Jerome ordered. You nodded. "Of course, my love." His smile grew. "I love you, doll." You smiled back, a small tear falling down your face.

"I love you, too, handsome."

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