Don't Forget To Smile

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Once the car finally stopped, you all jumped out. You made sure you had a knife and a gun, while Jim and Oswald grabbed Theo.

You walked back there as they opened the trunk. You saw Theo glaring up at you all, blood dripping from his mouth. "You're a man of conscience, Jim. You'll regret this," he said as they pulled him out. "I have many regrets. This won't be top of the list," Jim fired back. Oswald grabbed a bat and followed Jim and Theo.

You followed behind them. You had no words to describe how happy you were that this was finally happening. You were going to kill the man that killed Jerome. You were taking the first step in avenging him.

Jim pushed him to the ground and you all stood in front of him. "Oh well, here we are," Theo started. "Shame. It's going to be a beautiful morning. Goodbye, Jim Gordon."

You stepped up so you were in front of him. He looked up to you with an evil smirk. "Why if it isn't little Miss. Y/N. How are you, darling?" You stiffened up. "Don't call me that. You are a horrible, lying, evil excuse of a man. The things Jerome and I did for you, and you repaid us with what? Killing him? Forcing me to flee Gotham? I never once heard you say you were the person that broke us out. Or even a fucking thank you."

His smirk deepened. "Thank you. Thank you for making it so easy to kill that little twerp." You lost it. You slapped him hard and lunged at him, but Jim held you back. You fought off his hold and stood up. "Say it," you ordered. He cocked his head to the side. "Say what?"

You bent down so you were face to face with him. "Everything. Your whole plan that you had from the beginning." He sighed. "I guess I can grant you one more wish." You growled. "My only wish is to have Jerome back."

He chuckled. "I broke the Arkham inmates out so they could cause some chaos that I would be there to take care of. One by one, they slowly started dying. I had Tabitha shoot Dobkins, Jerome killing Greenwood helped, and I had Aaron captured and sent to Arkham. Then at the gala, I killed Jerome Valeska, becoming the hero of the century. After-"

     You put your hand up to stop him. You had tears dripping down your face, and your blood was boiling. "Shut up. Shut up, you horrible, filthy man! You've taken everything from me! Everything! And now, I'm going to ruin you."

     You held your knife up, but stopped when you saw Oswald. You motioned for him to go. "Please," you said. He smiled and walked towards Theo. He stared at the wicked man. "This is for my mother."

     Oswald began beating the living shit out of Galavan. His cries brought tears of joy to your eyes. This was long overdue. You listened to the cracking of his bones and then watched the blood splatter his face. While Oswald was going, he looked to Jim. "Kill me, please. Please," Theo begged.

     "Enough! That's enough!" Jim shouted. He pushed Oswald back. Oswald began laughing and you felt for a second like it was you and Jerome, but then reality all came back.

     You saw Jim begin to raise his gun, but you stopped him. "I'm not done yet." You walked up to Theo and smiled. He groaned in pain and tried to squirm away from you. You raised your knife and smiled more. "Say hi to dad and Lila for me." You brought your knife down and stabbed him in the throat. You stood up and spit on him. "Karma's a bitch."

     You looked to Jim and smirked. "Have fun, Jimmy-Boy." He stared at you emotionlessly as you walked over to the car. You heard a gunshot behind you, causing you to smile. You turned around and saw the lifeless body of Theo Galavan.

     Oswald grabbed an umbrella from the trunk as Jim reached the car. You watched as Penguin wobbled back to Theo and shoved the umbrella down his throat. You began to giggle before the bubbling of full on laughter exploded from your mouth. You fell to your knees laughing.

     It was over. It was finally over. Theo Galavan was dead, and you were one step closer to making Jerome proud. You felt a gust of wind on your back and turned around to see Jerome. Instead of crying, you began to laugh even more. Here you were, staring at the ghost of your dead boyfriend, with the dead body of the man that killed him, only about ten feet away.

     Jerome bent down and smiled. "I'm so proud of you, but you know what you must do, don't you?" He asked. You looked to him, letting the smile slowly leave your face. "I have to go away again." He nodded. He lifted your chin up to him. "Don't frown, doll. Remember, don't forget to smile!"

Bring Him BackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora