"Sister?" It was Chyna who questioned making Serena's head turn towards her.

"I thought your told me that your sister was somewhere living in Europe," I smiled at the lie my sweet sister had sold out to her going to be in laws. From my eyes I could Serena as a deer caught in headlight.

"Oh I was," I went with the flow and Serena's eyes couldn't meet mine a I spoke. "I just came back for a few days. My husband asked me to come here," the word husband made my sister flinch.

"You and your husband don't live together?" Chyna asked confused.

"Actually, Erik travels a lot and I love to stay in Florence, a quite beautiful place to live in. He has a business to handle in states for a while so he asked for me to join him here. For the rets of time he comes back homes to me in Florence whenever time allows him too. It's really hard to stay away but with work being their first priority I do have to compromise but true love requires a bit of compromise, even sacrifices," my eyes were glued to Serena as the words slipped out of my mouth fluently with adoration. I could see the anger swimming in her eyes as her hand turned into a fist. Burn my dear sister burn.

"Ain't I right, Serena,"

"Yes, you are. Love makes us do many things," She said with a hint of pain in her voice.

"That's really adorable," Chyna said looking at me. "I mean the love between you and your husband. I do understand what you mean by work being the first priority. Even Serena would know that my brother is a workaholic. I don't know how she was able to get date him, getting him to propose was an impossible thing if you ask me," She added and Serena smiled back her but it wasn't a smile that reached her eyes. I mean how could it when she was burning in jealousy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked even though I knew.

"Oh we were here for the final fitting of Serena's wedding dress," Chyna told with excitement over her face. "Let me tell you it's just out of the world. She has got an impeccable taste," Serena smiled at this comment.

"That she does, I mean she choose my wedding dress. It was really beautiful made me feel really special. I mean she choose it for me like she was to be the one to wear it. Every last detail of that dress Serena has handled herself. I mean for a moment I thought she was the bride and I was the maid of honour. Ain't I right, Serena?" her face turned to shock and I could see the pain in her eyes. She was upset and even a bit scared.

"Yeah, I just wanted to make sure that my little sister got the best of everything. At last she is my little sister," I wanted to shout the word liar as she said those words. It didn't shock me to see how easily she could lie but I knew all her lies.

"Aww, that's so sweet," Chyna said. "God, I wish I had a sister rather than a brother," she joked.

"Serilda, I would love to meet you again. I would so like to know the sister of my going to be sister-in-law. I mean, I'm all in for making new friends. Being a surgeon, I rarely go out and making friends is just so out of the question. I think we could sure hit it off. What's your number I will give you a missed call," her hand went into her bag. She searched for something for seconds and came up with nothing.

"I think I left my phone inside the boutique. I will just get it," she told walking back to the boutique. As she was gone, Serena and I stood there facing each other.

"So I'm being kept in shadow," I said smiling.

"It was mom who lied about your whereabouts,"

"What a lovely mother I have, don't I?" My voice dripped with sarcasm.

"I didn't have a choice," I could see the lie in her eyes.

"I'm sure you didn't. Forget about it, tell me how you are doing?" I asked in a sweet voice.

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