A Series Of Fortunate Events // Jason Todd

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He took your stuffs in the back of his car and helped you get into the car as well. You couldn't help but notice that he was hella good looking and for a moment you thought that even though you got hit by a car, at least it was a God driving it. You really are a positive person.

''I really didn't saw you. You're pretty small.'' He said once again, with his bright blue eyes fixed on you. You looked at your brand new books (that weren't looking as new as they were half an hour ago) when you bought them, avoiding eye contact.

''Well, you're pretty much a giant with a giant car, even if I was tall it would be impossible to see me.'' He laughed, making your round cheeks rosy.

The entire road to the hospital you talked about books mostly, you never thought that a guy who is so intimidating and handsome reads so many books. He is actually really smart and you like the same type of books. Jason didn't wanted to reveal more than his name and his love for books about himself, but for you it was enough. At least for now.

At the hospital he sat by your side the hole time. He listened carefully to the doctor as he took care of your arm, that was going to be just fine in about two or three weeks. He paid for the medication and consult and offered to drive you to campus, so no car would hit you again.

''It was a pleasure meeting you, [Y/N]! Even though it would've been nicer to meet you under less painful circumstances.'' He said as you got close to the campus.

''It was a pleasure as well. It's okay, don't worry! It's gonna heal soon and after all, we are in Gotham.'' You said, but it was totally different from what you were really thinking. ''You can hit me anytime with your car if that means I get to spend time with you and stare at your perfect face when you're not looking.''

''Yeah, but I still feel a little awful.''

''I'm going to be just fine. At least I can still write with my other hand.''

''You're a positive person, aren't you?''

''I'm trying. I was negative before and I still am sometimes, but in my entire life negativity only pushed me back. So yeah, I'm trying to be positive.''

''That's really good. I'd like to be positive.''

''And why aren't you?''

''I've been through a lot.''

''I understand. But that doesn't mean you can't be positive. I guess it depends on the people you have around you as well. Look at me, positive with no friends. Not like I had friends before or something.'' He chuckled at your words.

''You're funny! Do you mind giving me your number? I just want to check on you until your arm heals.''

Accidentally, your eyes met his. ''Could you be less intimidating?'' You spoke before thinking.

''What?'' He replied confused.

''Well...I...I can give you my n-number. If you want!'' You tried to not show the fact that you were dying inside and you wanted to get hit by a train this time, only to forget how stupid you can be.

''That would be great!'' He laughed.

You typed down your number in his phone before he stopped the car.

''Take care of you, Jason!''

''You too. Bye!''


You really regretted stepping out of the car and saying goodbye. Yes, he had your number, but maybe he asked for it only because he wanted to be polite, not because he has any desire in calling you or texting you. You really liked Jason and even though you knew that he is too good looking for you, he had a lot of best friend potential and you wouldn't mind for him to be only your friend.

All you wanted to do was for time to stop in that car, so you can spend more time with him. You felt deep inside that you two understood each other in a weird way. Jason Todd was like an enigma that you wanted really bad to solve. You wanted to know more about him, to get to know him better.

When you got into your room you tried to stop thinking about him by doing anything else. You didn't had any roommate so that was the best thing that could've happened to you (except for getting hit by a car and meeting the love of your life). You started to organize your things but you weren't even halfway when you got bored. You laid in the bed doing what you're doing best. Making scenarios that will never happen. In less than 5 minutes you already had two beautiful kids with Jason. 

When your phone vibrated on the bed your heart began beating faster, hoping that the reason is the one and only Jason Todd. You were a little bit scared to check your phone, you were scared that it wasn't him. But he was.

  ''I hope no car hit you on your way to your room.''

You laughed and you typed hundreds of words and deleted them, trying to find the best sentence to answer him. ''Should I ask him how he's doing?'' You asked yourself. ''Yeah. He'll ask me how I am doing and then we'll talk more.''

  ''Haha, no. But tomorrow is another day, so maybe then a car will hit me again. How are you?''

''No way! That job it's already taken by me. I'm good, how are you?''

''Told ya.''  You said to yourself.

''I'm a little hungry, I have to find a place to eat.''

''Well, good for you that I know the best place to eat in Gotham.''

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