Chapter 1

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You're not new to the city, but you're new to the school. You despise change and the cliché of 'new starts', but considering what happened at your previous school.. this change is necessary.

"These teachers have incredible reviews! Have you checked out the school's website?" Your dad asks. You shake your head, lying. You had checked the website, but it was all overdramatic news from the school's press.

Mainly on one guy... Jamnoon? Bamjoon?

You can't remember, but he was the main headline; bold black letters, front and centre. If anyone took even a glance at the website they could see he's definitely someone to stay away from.

"You should. The teachers—."
"The teachers don't matter, dad.. that has nothing to do with why I changed schools and you know that."
"Just.." Your dad pauses, sighs then turns towards you. "Try not to fuck everything up this time, okay? Those rumours.. everything.. it was a burden to deal with." Your dad sternly says. He grabs the car keys and starts heading outside, leaving you behind in shock at his words. Nonetheless, you follow behind him and get in the car without an argument.

You reach the school and throw your backpack over your shoulder. Once you step in, a perky braided-hair girl abruptly jumps in front of you.
"You're the new girl, right?" She asks. You cautiously nod. "I'm Stacy from our High School's press. I'm here to interview you!" She says with way too much enthusiasm and an unimaginable amount of caffeine in her system.

Your body freezes as you remember everything you saw from the school's press on their website. Awkwardly looking around, your gaze catches a camera on the ceiling.
You're being recorded.

"Is this live?" You ask, a nervous feeling growing in your stomach.
"Of course, silly! Why wouldn't it be?" Stacy replies with a giggle, her voice progressively getting more annoying each time she speaks. "So, what's your name?" She asks, shoving her mic up in your face.
"Okay, y/n. Have you ever had sex with anyone?"
"No. I have not.."
"Are you sure about that? You hesitated a bi--."
"Just ask the questions please."

After that point, the questions got less pleasant and much more personal. Involving relationships, drugs, intercourse, all to which you denied.
"I'm impressed. You're the most innocent student on our record!.. Unless you have any dirt you're hiding." She says and you frantically shake your head in response.

Could you make it any more obvious, y/n?, you think to yourself.

"Well, those are all the questions for today! She's clean, y'all!" The reporter says, facing the camera. You sigh in relief as you walk away.
"Oh wait, wait, wait. One more question." You hear coming from behind you. Clenching your jaw, you slowly turn around again. "...Yes?"

"Have you heard of a guy named Kim Namjoon?"

That's it.

That's the name you couldn't remember.
The one on the website.
The one to stay away from.

"No..?" You reply. It is true, you don't know him personally.
But who truly does?

"Oh... h-have a great day!" she says seeming uneasy, the outgoing girl crumbling under her own words. You take advantage of the opportunity and speed-walk away from her, looking forward to never seeing her again.

I'm surprised she didn't ask about my past, that would've been a mess...

...who's Kim Namjoon?

You look down at your new schedule that you had just grabbed from the office.

8:30-11:20 Mrs. Han
Room 315

Room 315, that would be on the 3rd floor..right?

Instead of asking someone for help as a normal person would, your socially inept self walks around the school aimlessly. You turn a corner on the fourth floor to find about 20 people lined up against some lockers.

Room 315, this is the right place.

You spot a tall serene boy in line wearing glasses, holding his book bag; seemingly the only one patiently waiting. He's wearing baggy jeans and a collared shirt, his hair resting just above his ears. With a swift move he pushes a piece of hair that had fallen in front of his face.

Maybe I can ask him where our teacher is, he's cute.

He looks friendly but reserved. A little nerdy, a bookworm? Someone with not many friends, but they like it that way— something you can relate to.

As you start walking up to him, someone aggressively grabs your shoulder from behind. "Oh no, you do not want to go down that rabbit hole." The girl says while pulling you away from the boy, making you turn around. "Hey— What are you doing? Do I know you?" You glare, taking a few steps back from the girl.

"My name's Jisu, and you should be thanking me. I just saved you from talking to Namjoon." Jisu's loud voice turns into a whisper, "The School's Pervert." She says. You snort. "That name is childish. You make it seem like a crime talking to him."
"Well, it can be." She says, making your eyes widen.
"I'll explain later. It's a long story."
"I doubt it's that big of a deal.. it was nice meeting you, though!" You politely say, turning around again.

"No--." The girl says, grabbing your arm for the second time, you groan. "He looks like the nicest guy here!" You say with a frown, glancing over at the boy who is lost in admiring a book. Admittedly, you're a fool for dimples.
"You can't be caught talking to him. Everyone saw the broadcast this morning. You're innocent, righteous, pure!" She says, you quickly sigh in frustration. "You have to be exaggerating, just look at him! He can't be that bad." You start shaking your arm to get out of Jisu's grasp. "Jesus, please let go of my arm."

"Saying a word to him will ruin your reputation."
"Okay, now you're exaggerating." You quickly turn around and run up to the boy before Jisu can stop you again.

"Hi! I'm y/n. And you are?" You charmingly smile and extend a hand for the boy to shake.


As promised to Jisu at the end of class, you meet her in the cafeteria at lunch. You sit down at a table together. "Jisu, when I talked to Namjoon he had such a sweet and kind voice. It was a bit deep too, but not in a creepy way, in an endearing way.. and his smile—." interrupting your gushing over Namjoon, Jisu immediately hands you the school's newspaper.

The Innocent New Girl Caught Being
Friendly With Namjoon The
School's Pervert?

She crosses her arms, "Remember what I said about your reputation?"
"Okay. Maybe you weren't exaggerating." you admit, reading through the article.

author's note: thank you for 280k reads:) my new story, a jungkook x reader is out now. "Head Chef", go check it out!!! your support makes my heart so warm.

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