"I hope everyone is present here," said the current Beta, Chance's Father and I pursed my lips as I looked away from his face.

He looked too much like his son and it hurt my heart to look at him.

I, or anyone in this pack never sees much of him. Probably because he's always traveling from pack to pack to make good relations or maybe because he became closed off after his wife's death— as everyone tells me.

I have been told that the format beta couple used to be the most amazing and loving couple of the pack. Beta used to sing to the children along with his wife every Sunday evening. But after her death everything falled apart.

Everyone around my age remembered her, but I didn't, and it disturbed me.

I felt like I ought to know.

"Attention, everyone." The Alpha's voice came next as he stood the little stage that had been mounted on the pack grounds.

"As we all know, there was an expected and disappointing, yet terrifying attack at the pack school this afternoon."

Whispers floated among the audience, everyone had their own prediction about the attack.

"The rogues undoubtedly belonged to the same pack that has attacked is thrice in the last 10 days."

Gasps filled the air as no one could believe the strength of the rogue pack.

"They are strong, we know that. But we can crush them," the Alpha said. "I just need your cooperation and courage."

"Why should we cooperate? We are in this situation because of this man," a common middle aged pack member stood up to point at Katherine Father— the head of the warriors. "Had he not gone to help the other pack, we would have been free from the danger. Our children are in danger now! Attack on the school? That's horrifying. Our babies go there. We can't let their lives be unsafe. You have to do something about this, Alpha."

My eyes rounded in fear as the crowd began agreeing with the man and everyone starts accusing Katherine's father for the circumstances.

It wasn't good. The pack can't go against the warriors. It can cause a civil war within the pack. The warriors have given us too much to be treated like this.

My eyes moved to the head of the warriors, standing with his head slightly low and it hurt my heart to see such a powerful man like this. He didn't deserve this.

"Silence!" The Alpha bellowed and slowly the murmurs died down.

"You are wrong, gentleman," he looked at the middle aged accuser as he looked a bit mad at him. "This is not because of Warrior Martin."

Martin was the name of Katherine's father.

"This rogue pack is indeed attacking all the packs of America in order to look for some silly gem that they believe brings immortality."

The disbelief and exasperation in Alpha's tone was hard to catch as he held a piece of paper in front of us.

"This letter they left clearly says so," he said.

"Any member of The Mighty Wolf Pack who gets this letter is responsible for handing it to the Alpha.

We, the members of The Eternal Rogues Pack, are not-so-kindly requesting you to hand over any the precious gem to us if you don't want destruction.

After attacking a number of South American packs, we are more than ready to destroy North America. If you have the gem, better hand it to us. Otherwise you'll see your pack crumple down in front of your eyes.

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