"Ever heard of knocking?!" Lance cried out as Lotor came back up licking his lips sitting next to Lance.

"It's important," Shiro coughed awkwardly not looking at the couple.

"So important you just run in?" Lance glared with a small pout.

"We'll be there in a minute," Lotor sighed looking at them unamused. Keith grabbed shiros arm quickly and pushed him out as he was quick on shiros heals.

"Oh my god," Lance flopped on the bed looking at lotor.

"We have a minute," Lotor looked back at him smirking. Lance tackled him laughing wrapping his arms around Lotors neck as they fell of the bed in fits of giggles.


"You just barged in?" Plaxum looked at pidge who was still rubbing her eyes in hope to delete the scene in her head.

"He was still under the covers, how many hours does it take to say I love and miss you while doing the do?" Pidge groaned as Harper snorted.

"Two hours apparently," Plaxum looked over and saw Lance and Lotor walking out as Lance was smiling softly putting on his gloves as Lotor was adjusting the sword on his belt.

"You owe me," pidge glared at Lance who walked over humming but she cringed seeing him limp a little as well.

"Um no, you ruined a very very pleasurable reunion, you owe me," Lance raised an eye brow at her but pidge punched his thigh making him cry out in pain.

"I told you he was a bottom, you didn't believe me," Harper pouted.

"Just making sure," pidge smiled innocently as Lance pushed her back laughing when she stumbled.

"Hey!" She cried out and Lance laughed.

"You punched me- Ah!" Lance screamed when she tackled him but Lance laughed loudly when he pushed her off.

"I have other important matters to discuss, begone demon!" Lance ran off as pidge was held back by the two and ran to the tent feeling the serious atmosphere as he entered.

"Good, we're all here, Lance, Lotor, as you know the empire is growing closer and closer," Allura looked at her brother as they nodded.

"We need to unite our people, we can do it with the wedding of an altean and a galra," she said and Lance glanced at Lotor who already was looking at him.

"Weren't we already going to use our marriage for peace between the two clans?" Lance asked confused.

"This is more than peace, this is a sign of strength of two opposite clans uniting against the empire," Allura stated strongly with determination.

"Okay sure whatever, but what about it?" Lance asked crossing his arms.

"They want the wedding soon," Lotor sighed with his hands on his hips.

"Well not to soon right?" He looked back at everyone and back at Lotor.

"Not because I don't want to marry you its just, I don't want this to feel so forced, like arranged and only for peace," Lance explained biting his lip nervously.

"That is what the wedding is for, correct?" Kolivan narrowed his eyes.

"No, no I would marry Lotor without this alliance anyways, I am marrying him for love, because of love," Lance glared back as he touched his necklace out of habit now.

"Love isn't what's going to win this war!" Kolivan slammed his hand on the table.

"Nor will our marriage! The galra and altea are already alliances as well as the Marmora! Because I love the leader of a clan does it mean the gaining of power it means that we don't have to wait around for someone to save us! We can do things on our own with approval!" Lance snapped back angrily as everyone took a step back seeing the general angry.

"Yet you still put off the wedding for almost a year now," Kolivan growled.

"Because of this war there is no peace without worrying that we will be ambushed at a restful time!" Lance spat.

"That feeling will always be there," a Marmora soldier said strongly.

"Why is this meeting suddenly on our marriage, it is not the source on stopping this war," Lotor stepped up irritated grabbing lances hand.

"So you wait for another challenge for you to be attempted to be ended again?"

"I will fight for my people as all of you should!" Lotor snarled. "It will not stop no matter anything,"

"People will always fight for the galra's throne ever since zarkon was killed," Allura nodded agreeing.

"We could ambush the empire, bring the fight to them," Lance said offering.

"We don't know their location," Lotor told him pursing his lips.

"We find them," Lance nodded.

"Queen Allura! Lord Lotor!" Hunk ran in with wide eyes.

"Hunk is everything okay?" Lance turned to his best friend.

"The tree toppers came back, they found moles," hunk panted gulping with wide eyes. 

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