17. In Ino's mind

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(A/N This chapter is a little depressing and might get you to want to punch something... Get prepeared.)

In Ino's mind.

They were chasing her.

She had to absolutly get out of there.

That is if she survived that crazy game of theirs.

The last thing she remembered was that she tried to control the enemy.

Unfortunatly they had somehow trapped her in their imaginery world.

The road ahead of her was so long that she couldn't see the other end of it.

No turns, no shortcuts.

Just that wide long corridor.

She turned her head to glance behind her. It seemed that her persuers had stopped chassing her.

She stopped running and tried to catch her breath coughing a couple of times in the process.

She decided that see would walk so see could save some energy.

She started stepping forward the only thing she could hear was the soft tap of her shoes.

That made the place seem even more bigger and emptier than it was while she was running.

"I hate this!" she whispeared.

"Oh really?" a cold voice answered her and she shivered.

"Wh-who are you? Wh-What do you want!" she asked imeadiatly.

"Why should I tell you?"

"W-We have to save the Hokage! We need Naruto if -if we want to keep the village safe!"

"Aww look at her wanting to keep her home safe... But no!" the voice changed from a taunting one to most creepy thing Ino had ever heard "This damn village took everything away! I lost everything because you have that pity excuse of a leader! I will never forgive this! I will destroy it piece by piece, first destroying its worthless citizens!" he paused and laughed maniacally.

"Children, women, men and then all the shinobi and the kunoichi alive!" his dark voice had a hint of excitment as if he was seeing everything he ever wanted in front of his eyes and laughed again.

"You..." Ino's hands were formed into fists "You are a pathetic excuse of a human!" she punched the wall besides her. It wasn't destroyed like it would be if Sakura was here but it left some satisfying cracks "How dare you insult our leader! He brought everywhere peace and everyone's safe with him!"

Ino started running again. She had to get out of here. The exit probably was at the end of this road.

She had to get out.

The enemy she spoke to minutes ago started laughing at her as if taunting her, as if he hadn't that emotional breakdown just a while ago.

She was still running but something caught her eye on the wall besides her. What she said next only made her enemy laugh harder.

"No way!" her hand touched the cold wall.

"I am running in circles!?"


Sakura placed another wet towel on Ino's forehead. She was sweating and had a fever. She was also shaking and her eyes were strongly shut forming a scowl on her face.

"Ino..." Sakura looked at the girl and sighed. She returned her gaze to the other two in the room. Young Ino was looking down worriedly. She also moved her feet impatiently, something Sakura figured she did when she wanted to act but couldn't do anything.

Sakura then looked at Sai. She expected to she an emotionless, maulybe just a sad look but she widened her eyes in a slight disbelief.

Sai was almost crying. Yes his eyes were red and it seemed he sweapt his tears away before they even had the chance to reach hus cheeks. He was also biting his lips and was looking down at the floor clearly not wanting to meet anyone's eyes at the moment.

Ino had also noticed this. Really she would be squealing in delight right now if the situation wasn't that serious. Really who wouldn't be squealing or generally be happy that they married such a caring, lovable and handsome guy.

She shook her head and scolded her mind telling it that this wasn't the time to be a fangirl.

She brought her hand into her pocket searching for her handkerchief . She tapped Sai on his shoulder. He turned to her, probably with a questionable look. Ino couldn't tell because his expession didn't change much.

"Here." she told him and gave him her best smile. She wanted him to cheer up a little.

He looked at her fave then the handkerchief. He hesitantly took it from her hand and brought it to his eyes not missing Ino's usual flower scent coming from it.

He nodded at her to show his gratitude for doing that. She smiled even more brightly at him and he looked away trying to hide his momentary emberrasment. He was acting like a child in front of his younger wife and she didn't act anything than the kind and loving woman she too is in the future.

Ino's only thought was:

'I am so damn lucky!'



How are ya doing today?

I am good thank you!

Something interesting and Naruto related that happened during my French private lesson on Monday:

My teacher asked a classmate to search for something on the internet and because I was curious I looked too. Their lockscreen had an amazing Kakashi Hatake picture and I wanted to squeal but kept silent because nobody knows I am into anime.

(Maybe my brother does because he knows that I listen to Nightcore on our computer when using it so he says that I like the Japanisse animations and games. At least he can tell the cartoons and anime apart...)

So back to that incident. I just kept silent and fangirled/squealed in my mind. No one knows that I like anime. I have even prentended that I don't know what a manga is! (That story is funny. My book had a Naruto manga as an picture example on my French vocabulary. XD)

Anyway see ya!

Date: Wensday 3/28/2018 20:31

Words with A/Ns: 1004

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