7. Sasuke and Naruto

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"Anyone that has guessed who tge other two are shall not tell the other's."

Neji had raised his hand. Neji didn't know anything about the Hatake so Sasuke thought that he wanted to confirm who he and Naruto were.


He was right.

"So it's your turn now or do you want me to go first?" Naruto asked him.

"Nah I'll do it first. Better keep the biggest suprise fir the end"

Naruto huffed.

"I am the most powerful shinobi after the current Hokage. My name would be Uchiha Sasuke."

They were all shorts of reactions about this one.

"HUH? Teme!?" Naruto jumped in front of the future Sasuke examining him closely.

In the backround Sakura and Ino were having a fangirling moment while the boys were looking at them weirdly.

Some seconds past and the gears in everybodies head started turning.

If Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke were here that meant that the other man was...

"Uzumaki Naruto! The Seventh Hokage of the leaf!"


"Were did you find this?" a voice asked the man in front if him.

"Outside the Leaf village in the forest."




Yes, now they all knew who the mystirious people from the future were.

"Guys, your future selves are awesome!"

Naruto grinned at the compliment.

"Now that you know who we are will you trust us?" Sakura asked them.

"Of course!"

"We will need your help to return to the future..." Sasuke showed his bandaged fist to them.


"Hey! What's up with your arm Sasuke?" young Naruto looked at it with interest.

"It's not my arm."




"Nah don't worry it's nothing special. I lost in during war..."

"War?" younger Kakashi looked at them with a new found interest in his eyes.

"A war is about to take place in a few years..."

"So there is gonna be a war..." younger Naruto had a thoughtful look on his face.

Older team 7 felt sad for a moment remembering the depressing and bad times of the war.

Better change the subject.

"Anyway back to the matter on hand..." Naruto went to Hokage mode suprising pretty much everyone "We don't know when the enemy is going to strike so... We are goint to train you guys!"


"Of course! You think I am bluffing?" Naruto ruffled young Sasuke's hair.

"What about us? I don't think you know our clans special jutsu do you?" Shikamaru asked him.

"I don't. That's why we are going to ask your parents to teach you new techniches."

"What are you sure that's going to work Naruto?" Kakashi asked him. He didn't know what kind of relationship he had with the clan heads in the future but it was probably going to be hard with the present them.

"Don't worry. Naruto can do whatever when he puts hus mind into it."

"Thatnks fir the backup Sakura! Now..."

He quickly turned his head to the right threw a kunai at the tree some feet away from him.

A yelp was heard and someone fell from the tree.

"Hello there Jiraya-sensei! Are you having fun listening in our conversation?" Naruto walked up to him and carried the man's almost unconsious body with his one arm.

"Show off." Sasuke huffed.

Everyone was looking at the blond with wide eyes as he was carrying him to them and then left him on the ground.

"Is he an enemy?" Tenten asked ready to hit the man with on of her many ninja tools.

"No, quite the opposite."

"Well you called him sensei, that is enough proof to tell us he is not an enemy..." Shikamaru also looked at the white haired man.

"Who is he anyway?" Ino asked.

"Oh!" Jiraya suddenly woke up "My name is Jiraya! One of the legendary sannin!"

Jiraya performed his small dance for Ino along with his introduction.

"Um... Hello?"

"Jiraya-sensei did you hear all of what we were talking about or do you need a fill in?"

"No I am fine."

"Then let's start with the training!"



Who screamed? Let's find in the next chapter!

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