24. Hella..

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"Why would I do that!?" Naruto shouted glaring at the unknown foreign shinobi.

'He is hella suspicious, battebayo!'

The unknown shinobi sweatdropped and laughed nervously.

'Naruto was hella troublesome when he was younger... What a drag.'

He continued talking to him though.

"Do I have to proove it?" he asked raising an eyebrow. Naruto, Sakura and Konohamaru who in the meantime had retreated just besides his boss, glared at him.

"Of course you do! Do you think I am a fool?" Temari and Kankuro, and on the tree Gaara and Sasuke were watching in interest.

"You are." Shikamaru said and pointed an accusing finger at Naruto and the other two besides him. Temari and Ino were chuckling, because they knew why, while the past teens were confused including Inojin and Himawari "You just revealed to me that there is someone from the future here since you didn't deny it or treated me as if I was some kind of crazy man with a big imagination..." Ino and Temari laughed a bit harder at that as the teens began understanding the situation they were in "I could be an enemy who actually knew were the Yamanaka household is and just needed someone to confirm my suspicions. And you did. I-"

At the mention of being an enemy Team 7 reacted immediatly. They all trew some kunai at him which landed on their target.

He fell on his knees only to turn into smoke.

"Arg!!! Not again! And since when are you here teme!?"

"Hn. Shut up dobe." the Uchiha glared at Naruto and tried to spot the possible enemy ninja.

"This is hella boring..." older Temari yawned "Why don't we just head there by ourselves..." she pouted.

"We won't let ya! Dattebayo!" Naruto said forming his habds into fists ready to fight.

"It's been a while since I last heard that word..." Ino trailed off putting a hand on her chin and closing her eyes as if remembering.

On the other hand the adults were not serious at all.

"Oi! Stop acting as if ya know us!" Naruto said before attacking again, this time with taijutsu, older Temari. She easily blocked his kick and pinned him on the ground with her leg, glaring at the kid version of Naruto, which made him shiver.

"Temari, stop it!"

Temari glanced in the shadows were Shikamaru was hiding the whole time.

"There is absolutly no point in attacking this guy, anymore..." he got out of the shadows a grin on his face.

"How come?" both Temari's said in union. Meanwhile Gaara appeared besides Shikamaru, which kinda suprised Team 7 and Konohamaru, except Naruto who just grinned. That just made the past teens even more confused.

"Because that's Naruto." Shikamaru grinned as everyone else raised an eyebrow.

"I already know that!" Temari said.

"Let me rephrase that: That's our Naruto."

Everyone looked at him in disbelief, except the younger sand siblings who simply raised an eyebrow, since they didn't know who Naruto was yet.

The pinned down Naruto started laughing as Temari removed her leg from him shocked. There was a cloud of smoke and then he returned to his original form.

"Ahahahah! That was fun!" older Naruto said as most of the others looked at him to see if what they were looking at was real.

Shikamaru chuckled.

"Sorry for that earlier... It took me a while to understand that it wad you." he offered his hand to help him up.

"Nah, don't worry. I even had my doubts when I first saw you... You were 'hella suspicious'..." Naruto took his hand and stood up chuckling. He started laughing a bit when he saw everyone's shocked faces.

The first one to overcome it though was Himawari, who jumped at her father's arms almost making him fall down for the fall, wait, he actually did...

"Dad, I missed you..." she mumbled as Naruto hugged her back.

"Yeah... I missed you too...


A chapter that sadly doesn't satisfy your wait.

I've been quite busy the past few days. The last important event for the week was my (girl) cousin's wedding! I actually just returned from it and I am quite tired. But I really enjoyed myself! (They were so cute!)

I hope to see you soon in bigger chapter!

But before you leave just a question: I am thinking of publishing an original book. Should I go for it?

Date: Sunday 5/13/2018 00:37

Words with A/N's: 746

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