14. Princess Uchiha?

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Naruto looked at his younger friends all chatting about the reveal of who Naruto's parents were.

Most of them were trully shocked. People like Neji and Sasuke still were quite suspicious and didn't believe him right away. Naruto could almost read the questions that were running in their heads.

After a while they stopped chatting all were eager to learn a little bit more about the past. Now it was the time were Naruto had his first doubts. Should he really begin telling the story from that part of time? Would the younger them turn away from him once they learnt the truth? In the normal timeline everyone had learnt about Kurama when everyone was good friends with each other and wouldn't break their bond just for that.

Well he was really lucky this time...



When the scream was heard everyone looked up and their eyes widened when they saw someone falling from the sky (again)

Naruto was about to jump but his female teamate beat him to it using her chakra boosted jump and when she landed Naruto knew why.

'Mother insticts...'

Sasuke ran to them the first thing he did was to ask if the fallen girl was okay.

Everyone from the past looked at Sasuke in shock. It was the first time the Uchiha showing his concern for someone.

Sasuke took the girl in his arms. She was shaking in fear but she tried not to show in her face. Sasuke hugged her and whispeared some soothing words in her ear.


Le Gasp!



"Okay this needs explaining like right now." Ino tapped her foot on the ground.

"What can't you see Ino-pig? This is Sasuke-kun's daughter! Isn't she cute?" Sakura pushed Ino out of the way and looked at the little Uchiha in Sasuke's arms. She had calmed down now and had a small smile on her lips.


"Oi Sarada are you okay?" Boruto came closer to see if his friend was okay.

"Yeah, tganjs Boruto!" she smiked at him too really pleased to be in her fatger's arms.

A little farther away, young Sasuke and Naruto were still on their spot and had a small side conversation while everyone had their attention on the Uchiha princess.

"Hey Sasuke?"


"You do realise this is your daughter right?"

"Hn." Sasuke nodded.

Naruto suddenly started laughing.

"Do you think that she had a kid with you or me? Wait. Maybe she had a kid with both of us!"

"N-nani?" Sasuke couldn't hide his suprise.

'Naruto... You. Idiot! Don't you know what has to happen before having a kid?'

A memtal image immediatly came to him as he thought that. There was a small pink blush on his cheeks but he quickly shook his head to make himself forget about it.

"Hn. Maybe she didn't even marry one of us either..."

Naruto just curiously observed Sasuke's reaction but he then shrugged it off.


"Sarada what is the condintion in the village?" everyone looked at the older Naruto as he went to his Hokage mode. It was a version of him that made everyone give their full attention to him. His voice was serious and he somehow became smarter.

"Nothing has happened really... But everyone is worried about you lord seven!"

And that was the time when it hit them hard. Naruto is actually a Hokage in the future. The seventh one too.

"... Shikamaru-sama is worried too... He has taken your place now that you are gone but he still says that is 'troublesome'" Sarada quoted the Nara.

"Haha... The usual Shikamaru..." Naruto scratched his head  "Anything else?"

"Not really."

"That's good." Naruto sighed.

"But why did they send Sarada-chan here?" Hinata suddenly spoke up.

"That's true. At first it seemed that they wanted only team 7 here." Sakura voiced her thoughts.

"I think that the guy that sent us here is just toying with us..." Boruto said his opinion.

"It seems possible. Could this only be a genjutsu?" Naruto made the hand sign of despelling genjutsu but it didn't work.

"Are you really thinking we are just a genjutsu?" Ino frowned.

"I can assure you we are the real deal here!" Naruto told them smirking.

"I don't it was just possible..." Sakura walked near Hinata and they walked a little further away.

"Huh? What's up with all these secrets!" Naruto yelled at his future friends.

"I see..." Hinata nodded. She then went besides her husband and whispeared at him. He nodded a couple of times and looked at everyone.

"So we've come up with a plan and you need to follow our orders understood?"

Everybody nodded wondering how they did this.

"So you see the chunnin exams are comming up and as I already know everyone here is going to take part in them. We all have shown you some new moves and jutsu's but sadly you will not be able to use them."

Therewere some small complains about that but nobody really dared to say them outloud.

"We'll also have to talk about it with the third Hokage. He plays a huge role in this timeline..." Naruto rubbed his chin in thought. He had to earn some time from the chunnin exams so he could figure out what the enemy really wanted. He didn't want to see his friends get hurt again.

"We will not be able to meet for a few days..." Naruto suddenly again spoke up "Please try and not search for us either if it is not for something serious. I guess you are dismissed..."

Everyone from this present started walking away. Some with complains some in silence.


Hello another chapter and this time the one who fell from the sky was Sarada Uchiha!

I took the advice for Sasuke and made him say hn and less words. Is he any better now?

Anyway check this out! It's fucking awesome! Those feels! The effects! And the music!

Do ya agree?

Anyway next chapter will be uploaded soon! Have a nice weekend!

Date: Friday 3/16/2018 21:16

Words with A/Ns: 1018

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