4. Team 7 secrets

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"Lord Hokage, we have to talk about a very importan matter and we would like to excuse your guards for this." Sakura asked the Hokage a serious look on her face.

Hurizen moved his hand in dimsisal and several ninja jumped away from the building.

"So we are going to say this once and you have to understand it-"

"We are from the future." Sasuke cut Sakura off. Hurizen's eyes stared at them in shock.

At the same moment someone opened the door, more like kicked it. It was someone Naruto knew pretty well.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" the person yelled.

"I should have known you guys would spy on us..." old Kakashi rubbed his temples.

"I guess this was a really important matter that should be kept a secret after all huh?" younger Kakashi said trying to calm Naruto down.


"Oh comon sensei! These guys seemed really suspicious if you asked me! What if they attack Gramps?"

"Naruto, lord third isn't a deffenceless person he can protect himself. Bisides what are you gonna do if they are even more powerful than you huh?"

"Alright, alright but don't blame me if they call you a traitor cause you brought them in the village!"

Kakashi stopped walking the word traitor had hit him hard.

"Alright but if we get caught is your fault!" Kakashi started walking in the Hokage's office with his gennin team tugging along.

"... so I am gonna say this once and you better understand it-"

"We are from the future."


"What are you talking about you can't be from the future!"

"Well that's what I thought until I saw you in front of me!"

The two Naruto's glared at each other while everyone else sighed.

"We were having a meeting at the future Hokage's office. A shinobi was sendimg threats that he was going to attack the village. At first we thought it was a joke. But it wasn't" Kakashi separated the two Naruto's while talking.

"We are really powerful in the future with our aliences but I am afraid he is going to do the same trick to them too..." Sakura rubbed her chin in thought. This was a damn difficult problem to solve.

"Wait guys how can we tell if you really are from the  future?" young Sakura eyed them carefully.

"We would know something about you that others don't, at least in this timeline." Sasuke answered trying to remember something that would make his younger self believe him. He snapped his fingers once he remembered.

"Dinosaur plushie." he said loud enough for the people in the room to hear him.

"Dinosaur plushie?" younger Sasuke tried to defend himself playing like he didn't know what the other male was talking about.

"You mean the one that Sasuke kept under his bed? How could have I forgotten about it? It's such a cute thing to do I still can't believe it!" both Sakura's awed making younger and older Sasuke blush in embarasment although older's was barely noticable.

'Why did I choose to tell this?' older Sasuke thought when he realazed his mistake.

'It could've been anything else but this!' younger Sasuke hid his blush with his hand looking down.

"I... believe you." Sasuke finally said still hiding his blush.

"Alright now that this is out if the way... My turn!" Future Naruto said, kneeled down and started whispearing to the young Naruto.

Both Naruto's had a clouded expression when old Naruto finished.

"I... Believe you... I guess..."

"Alright now it's my turn." older Sakura decided to ignore that, for now, and came near her younger self. She told her about her not so pure daydreams she had for Sasuke making her blush. Glad nobody heard that, especially Rin.

Kakashi on the other hand only told his younger self two words.

"Obito." he said pointing at the younger's covered eye "Rin." he again said pointing at the hand Kakashi had chidored her with.

Younger Kakashi nodded. Only few people knew about that and tgat guy wasn't one of the ones he told that.

"I... Beleive you too..."


Sasuke's dinosaure plushie, Naruto's abusive past, Sakura's dirty thoughts and Kakashi's friends death were the big secrets.

We are from the future! (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz