18. Hurrying and perverts

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"What are you doing Boruto?"

Sarada stopped following the adults when she noticed Boruto staring at the wall.

From where she was she could see only his profile. (A/N Only the one side of his face in case I used the wrong word.)

His eyes seemed to be following sonething that was moving on it. His face turned into a frown before his gaze returned to the impantient Sarada.

"What do you want?" he asked in a distarbed tone.

"Hurry! I think that the adults have got a lead to find Mama." she said in an equally annoyed voice.

"You guys..." Shikadai stopped walking and looked at them with an disaprooving stare "We don't want the past people see us so you better keep quiet." Shikadai sighed and continued walking, this time his two classmates following him, still glaring at each other.


""Rock, paper, scissors!""

One hand was paper and the other one was scissors.

"Yes I win! I beat you with my youthfulness to your own challenge!" a certain sensei said.

"Oh well I guess I can go now..." his grey haired rival said.

"Why Kakashi? Are you chickening out on my request for a new challenge?"

"No. I am tired."

There was a silence and the two looked at each other. They were  in their own world for a while until a sigh brought them back to reality.

"It's boring watching you two." Jiraya sighed again, his eyes were half closed and be had a bored expression on his face.

"Well, it's been a while since I last saw me competing with Guy..." Older Kakashi said not looking up from his usual pervert book.

"Wait... Is that an Icha Icha book from the future?" Kakashi hadn't been that excited for a while and ran to his older self.

"Yeah that is the last book. There would be a movie too this June although I won't be able to watch it if we don't return soon..."

"Wait my/the Icha Icha Paradise is gonna be a movie?!" the two perverts hugged and cheered happyly.

"Is that the only thing you get excited about?" Guy walked up to them and eyed the book waryly making the pervets glare at him.

"Of course!" Young Kakashi replied "This book is absolutly the best thing ever existed!"

"And I am really proud that I wrote it!" Jiraya added.

"I have an idea..." older Kakashi's eyes showed that he was grinning under his mask "Why don't you read it?" Kakashi opened one of his scrolls and some books came put if it. He searched for a while until he found it: Icha Icha Paradise Book No.1

Everyone looked at him as if he was crazy.


We are from the future! (On Hold)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum