8. The fallen angel

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The familiar high-pitched scream made Naruto tense up. He looked up and saw his love falling from the sky!


He imeadiatly jumped using his chakra to boost the jump, caught her in bridal style and landed.


Hinata was in a dizzy state. Last thing she remembered was bringing food to her beloved husband, then she was falling and someone caught her. Thank god!

She looked up at her savior.

Blue eyes, blonde hair, whisker marks on the cheeks and a worried look on their face.

Yep! She defenatly knew who that was!


"Hinata are you alright?" Naruto let her feet on the ground while using his strong arms to steady her.

"Y-yeah where are we? Wait... What are they doing here!?" Hinata only tyen noticed the others and started pointing at them with her mouth open, trying not to freak out.



Hinata was sitting down everyone trying to explain to her what was going on.

"So we traveled to the past? So that's what the letter ment?"

"What letter?"

"This one." Hinata gave Naruto the letter.

You, you who shall pass this doorstep and find this letter and his cloak, you shall travel and have the same fate with them, death!

"Yeah, right!" Naruto felt underastemated. He put the letter in his pocket after reading it aloud to everyone "Wait what cloak was he talking about?"

"Oh this one of course!" Hinata opened a scroll she had with her chanelled some chakra into it and gave Naruto the Hokage cape.

"Oh this one? Sweet!" Naruto took the cloak from Hinata wore it and made a pose for Hinata which made her giggle.

"Wait Naruto that is not your cloak!" Sasuke said to him.

"Huh? What do you mean?" he looked at the cloak. He saw the letters at the back that wrote forth.

"Why this one? Why his cloak?" Noruto took it off and looked at the cack writing sadly.


"S-Sakura-chan can I ask you something?" Naruto came near Sakura while the others were talking to older Hinata.

Naruto had been glancing at Hinata, well both Hinatas, it seemed that she had changed but stayed the same at the same time.

"What is it Naruto?"

"Em, well, don't you think the way I... Wait no the way me from the future treats Hinata is strange?"

Sakura's eyes sparkled. She had noticed the way Hinata was looking at her teamate. She had a crush on him! But he had yet to notice! She always kinda shipped them, mostly to get him forget her and she could be with Sasuke, and the familiarity their future selves had proved that they were close, maybe even married in the best case scenario.

"Hmm... I don't know Naruto but I noticed it too." she had an excited look "Maybe you are close with her in the future, heck you could even be married!"

Naruto blushed at the thought. Married with Hinata, the dark weirdo but also the really shy type of girl like him love him and even marry him.

Why would someone like her marry him?

Well he was the future Hokage but they wouldn't be happy if their marriege was based on that.

He looked at his future self and also recalled who he saved her. He was the first to move and catch her in a flash, who did he even gain that speed, he saw himself concerned for her well being and how her fave brightened and smiled when she saw him.

He looked at his time's Hinata abd they both locked their gazes, Hinata quickly turned her head blushing fidgeting with her fingers.

Naruto couldn't stop staring at her.

'How cute!' Naruto thought blushing.

"Wow Naruto I don't believe that you actually got over me so easyly..." Sakura's comment fell on deaf ears, while Naruto was still staring at Hinata making her blush even more "Stop staring Naruto!" Sakura hit Naruto's head.


Why this one? Why his cloak?"


Hey hey whatcha doing?

I would have updated this earlier if there wasn't a total blackout because of the weather.

Thanks for reading and check out my other stories!

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