Talk To Me

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Niall's POV

I'm angry, really angry. Today I got stuck in a traffic jam that got me 1 hour late to work and management was angry, then management took away all my solo's and now my car broke down and it start raining when I was half way home. Normally I was pretty chill about things but today was bad.

I open the door to my house and walk in. Immediately I was greeted by my wonderful girlfriend (Y/N), but I was too angry to talk to her.

''Hey babe, what's wrong?'' she asks, ''Why are you so wet?'' I ignore her and walk away into the bathroom.

I peel off the wet clothes and chuck it into the hamper, I turn on the shower and step inside letting the hot water warm me up from the icy rain.

I stay in the shower for a good amount of time before shutting off the water and walking into the bedroom where I see clothes laid out for me on the bed.

I quickly dress up and make my way downstairs.

Your POV

I don't know what's gotten into Niall but he just seems different. I hope he is not mad at me.

After I laid out his clothes, I head downstairs and make him his favourite dinner. I hope this will cheer him up.

As I am done with dinner, I hear Niall make his way downstairs so I quickly set the table up and wait for him. He comes down wearing what I laid out for him plus a hoodie, he must be feeling cold.

''Hey Ni, I made you favourite.'' I say to him. He mutters a small 'thanks' and eats the food. Something's isn't right. Usually during dinner, we talk and share a few laughs, but now it is completely silent the only thing heard is the clutter of knives and forks on the plates.

''Niall, can you please tell me what's going on. Are you angry at me? Did I do something? If I did then I'm sorry.'' I say desperately. He just shakes his heads but doesn't utter a word.

After dinner, we head to the lounge and Niall switches on the TV and select a random channel but I can tell he isn't into it.

''Niall. Please talk to me.'' I say taking his hand rubbing circles on the back of it. ''What's wrong, you know you can tell me.'' I say pleadingly.

''Niall please.'' I say running my hand through his hair, he jerks away and stands up looking at me angrily.

''Can you just stop it! I just want to be alone right now! You're so annoying!'' He says storming up to the room leaving me in tears.

Niall's POV

I storm into the room angrily and pace up and down trying to calm down. I hear the soft cries (Y/N) and my heart shatters into a million pieces.

''What have I done?'' I ask myself out loud running downstairs to find (Y/N) in the corner of the room with her head in between her knees.

''(Y/N)." I say softly walking up to her. She lifts her head up to look at me. He face full of tears.

''(Y/N), I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. I just had a back day and I was really angry. But that doesn't mean I should take it out on you.'' I say taking a seat next to her.

''I'm really sorry.'' she says.

''No,no, princess. You have nothing to be sorry for. I should have talked to you instead of blowing up on you.'' I said taking her hands. She looks at me, her (Y/E/C) eyes glistening with tears. I wipe them away and gently kiss her.

''I love you Niall. Next time you should just talk to me.'' she smiles and hugs me. Man I love this girl.

''I love you too.'' she says. Oops, I guess I said that out loud.

''Yes you did.'' she smirks.

Yay! I'm back ,and I'm not dead! Sorry I didn't update in a while, I was just really busy and I had a terrible writer's block

I hope you like this imagine.

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~LittleMissVoltage <3

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