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Your POV

We have been on this plane for 1 hour and nothing is happening.

The only good thing is Niall.

I am having such a fun time with him.

To think we are gonna be alone on an island makes my heart do a flip.

I have always had a crush on Niall.

He is so sweet.

He's telling me about this one time him and his friend Harry went to the Bahamas and Harry couldn't stop shouting 'Nakey in the pool! ' he makes me laugh so much.

I learnt so much about him on this plane ride.

Henry walks pass us and Niall and I look at each other.

"What do you think he's doing? " he whispers.

I shrugged and looked back.

Henry had some chains in his hands and something that looked like a parachute.

Oh no, we gonna jump.

I'm deathly afraid of heights.

I start to hyperventilate.

"What's wrong are you alright? " Niall asks.

I shake my head and try to speak, "Their gonna make us jump, I'm scared of heights. " I say.

Niall rubs my back soothingly.

I calm down a little.

"Ok so who's gonna go first-what happened to her? " Jake asks.

"She is scared of heights. " Niall says still ribbing my back. Jake chuckles,

"You to are going together, what I meant to ask was who is gonna pull the string? " he says still chuckling, I don't like him very much.

"I'll do it. " Niall volunteered.

I give him a small smile and he returned it with one back.

They get Niall all geared up and then do me.

I start to get nervous again as they open the door of the plane.

I take a step back but someone grabs my wrist.

"C'mon you first. " Henry said.

I whole my head, "Niall said he is going to pull the thing so shouldn't he be in the front? " I say.

"No the string is attached to you, he'll pull it from the back. " Jake said walking up to us with Niall behind him.

The knot in my stomach gets tighter.

"O-ok. " I say walking to the now open door.

Niall stands behind me and they strap us together.

Huh, I never thought I'd be in this position with someone I just met.

I felt Niall's chest pressed on my back and I blushed.

(Y/N) (Y/M/N) stop thinking of such dirty things!

"Don't worry you'll be fine. " Niall whispered into my ear.

It sent shivers down my spine.

Jake explains ever thing to us and when Niall has to pull the string and stuff.

"Remember guys there is a yellow raft floating on the ocean. When you see it swim to it, your backpacks and the camera I'd there. " Henry added.

We both nodded.

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