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A/N: Ok, guys the imagine below is about the new movie IT. If you haven't watched it yet then I advise you not to read this imagine cause it contains spoilers! Read at you own risks, I don't wanna spoil it for you!
Your POV

SHIT! Today Niall wants to watch the new movie IT. Help me! I don't want to tell him, but I'm terrified, not just of horror movies but Clowns in general. Niall, beng the dare devil he is, wants to watch that movie and me being the supportive girlfriend is gonna watch it with him, no pun intended.

So here I am now, putting the finishing touchs to my outfit which consists of black skinny jeans, a navy blue sweater with angel wings on them and some brown boots. I have left my (Y/H/C) hair wavy just running a bit of product through it. I put a small puff and the top to stop the hair from falling on my and and I take my time walking down the stairs, maybe if we miss the movie we can watch the Emoji movie. Anything is better than watch that clown.

"Y/N! C'mon, we are gonna miss the movie! " I hear Niall yell. I sigh.

"Coming! " I yell back, trying not to sound scared. I pick up my pace and reach the bottom of the stairs where I see Niall waiting for me at the door. He is wearing black jeans and a navy blue shirt with a little pocket at the side and some white trainers. He looks at me and laughs.

"We are wearing the same thing! We are literally meant to be together! " he kisses me sweetly. I smile and kiss him back.

"Shall we go? " he asks when we pulled apart. I nodded hesitantly and grabbed my purse, we both walk out the door and into the car. Throughout the whole ride, Niall was singing and normally I would be admiring his voice but today, I was lost in my thoughts.

What am I gonna do? Maybe if I have my eyes closed the entire movie, but no, I'll still hear it and I forgot to bring my earplugs. What do I do? Niall is gonna think I'm a wimp, he is gonna be embarrassed that a 20 year old person is afraid of a clown. It's not my fault though, I just have bad memories.


I was six years old, my father decided to take us to the circus to watch the clowns. My 10 year old brother Lucas had always told me about clowns and what they do to young children. I knew he as kidding, but it still scared me. He told me that they poision the balloon, the ponies are man eating ponies. He told me that the clowns were in my closet when I went to sleep and they watch me at night, and so much more.

My father had just bought our tickets for the show, he bought my brother and I cotton candy and popcorn for himself and our mom. I was excited and nervous because Lucas kept whispering things in my ear. I got up and sat on my mom's lap.

The circus music start playing, I remember it ringing in my head, and that clown, that clown came out. He was wearing a white clown outfit and he had a bald spot in the front but the back of his head was full of red busy afro hair. His smile was mischievous and somewhat evil looking.

"Hiya kiddies, and parents. My name is Bobo the clown! I want to be your best friend! " he said. That voice gave me nightmares.

"Say, do you want to see Bobo do a trick? Bobo can make anyone float. Like magic! Who wants to float? " several hands shot up, including my brother's. He looked around and his eyes stopped at me. He looked at me and then at my brother, "You, with the superman shirt, do you want to float? " he asked my brother. Lucas noddedand walked out the the audience and into the performing stage thing.

"Right boy, what is your name? " the clown asked.

"Lucas. " he replied.

"Well, Lukey, just lay right here on this table and I will make you float! "

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now