Horse Riding

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Niall's POV

Today is the day hat I have been dreading. My mom wants me to start taking horse riding lessons, but I am completely hopeless at it

My alarm starts to ring, I switch it off and just lay in the bed, hoping that my mother will forget about the lessons, but karma has got the best of me and my mom barges into my room with a bright smile on her face.

Now, normally I would be ecstatic to see that smile but today I know why she is smiling.

See, in my family we all know how to ride horses.

My father is a professional horse racerand so was his father so my mom wants me to carry on the that tradition.

Don't get me wrong, I love horses, but using them to make money is just a bunch of bullshit, or horseshit.

I don't believe in those kind of things. I be live that horses are ment to be take care of, that you should ride horses with the love of you life holding on tight to your waist while you ride not that sunset.

Unfortunately, I don't have that love yet.

"Niall! What are you still doing sleeping, c'mon get up! " my mom yells and yank the blanket of me.

"Sorry mom, I don't think I'm feeling well. " I lie, adding in a fake cough to make it believable.

"Oh no sweety. " she says and walks towards me. "I know exactly what you need. " she says.

"What? " I ask her.

"A drop or two of acting skills! " she says.


"Save it Niall, I know you too well. " she says. I pout at her.

"Don't look at me like that. " she laughs.

"But mom! " I whine.

"You sound like Theo now! " we laugh.

"Only one lesson Niall, if you don't like it then you don't have to go. Just go today. " she says, I sigh and look at her.

I nod and hug her.

"Fine. " I says. She pulls back and looks at me.

"Youll do just fine Niall, don't worry. " she kisses my forehead.

I nod and she leaves the room.

I make my way to my bathroom and take a shower, brush my teeth and do all my other necessary requirements.

I step out I'd the shower and pick out a simple riding outfit which consist of a pair of dark blue jeans, a red polo and black high top converse.

I attempt to do my hair which end a up looking like shot, but is don't care.

I grab my wallet and phone from my bedside table and head out the bedroom door.

I make my way the kitchen, where I find my family all gather on the small round table.

"Hey guys! " I says as I walk in.

"Morning Nialler, ready for today. " my dad pata me on my back.

"As ready as I'll ever be. " I reply.

"Youll do great, don't worry. " he says, I give him a smile and walk up to my mother.

I see her making pancakes, I put my finger in the batter and taste it. Mmm, delicious.

"Niall! " mom exclaims.

"What? " I say innocently.

"Get outta here, before you steal something else! " she says and waves me away, I walk back to my father and begin to talk about football.

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