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Today was yours and Niall's anniversary.

You thought that you we're gonna spend the day together, but Niall had other plans.

Niall's POV

Today is (Y/N) and I's 6 month anniversary.
We had agreed on just spending the day together but I thought it would be better to surprise her.

Well I owe her something for giving me the best 6 months of my life.

So I got her tickets to see Ed Sheeran live in concert.

I know how much she loves his music, and I also really like his songs so it's a win, win.

I'm just waiting for the perfect time to give it to her.

I don't know what to do, should I just give it to her or hide it and make her find it somewhere?

Wait a minute, that's not a bad idea.

It'll be like an Easter egg hunt except the egg is an envelope with tickets inside.

Yeah, I'll do that.

I just gotta find a good place to hide it.

I think of good places to hide it.

Can't hide it in the kitchen cupboard she'll find it there.

Toilet? No that's gross.

Guest room? Maybe, well keep that in the idea box.

Um, how about inside a Nandos bag.

Yeah, I should order Nandos and place the tickets inside so when she opens it she'll see we the tickets.

Not to mention we get to have Nandos.

(Y/N) in on the room finishing up some work she had so I doubt she will hear me.

I grab my phone and dial Nandos.

Yeah I know their number offhand, who doesn't?

It starts ringing and a man picks up the phone.

"Nandos, Joey speaking, can I take your order? " the guy from the other line spoke.

"Hello, my name's Niall, can I please have two chicken strips with spicy rice, one medium, one large, and two large cokes." I said.

"Sure, do you want it mild, medium or hot? " he asked.

"Hot please." I said.

"OK sir, will you come and fetch it or delivery? " he asked.

"Delivery. " I said.

I gave him my address and he said it should be here in 20-30 minutes.

I thanked him and hung up.

I walked into our room finding (Y/N) on her laptop.

I plopped down next to her and stared at her.

"Whatcha doing? " I asked sounding like that girl Isabella from Phinnes and Ferb.

Oh how I loved that show when I was little.
"Nothing, just looking at pictures of One Direction. " she said.

I chuckled.

I looked at the screen and saw pictures of us at awards shows and some of our photo shoots.

"OK why are you looking at pictures of us? " she shrugged.

"Don't know just felt like it, " she said.

"You should wear suits more often, you look so cute. " she said.

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