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As you lay in bed at night you feel a sudden pain in you stomach.

Could this really be happening.

Your water just broke.

You look at Niall your husband of 3 years and wake him up.

"Niall wake up." you say another pain hits you.

"Huh? princess are you OK?" he asks and look at your pain streaked face.

"It's coming Niall , it's time."

Niall knew what this meant.

He packed your over night bag and helped you to the car.

You scream in pain as you felt the baby kick harder and harder each time.

"Dont worry princes we are almost there." Niall's claming words helped a bit.

Niall parked the car and helped you out.

He signed you in and you changed.

You sat on the bed and felt more pain. 

Tears were flowing down your face.

"Medicine will be her soon babe, don't worry it's alright I got you you doing great. Just think soon we'll be parents. Baby Aiden is gonna be here soon. Go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up."

"C-can you sing to me?" you ask.

"Course." he said.

Niall's one-of-a-kind voice filled the room calming you down and you were finally able to get some rest.

*2 hours later*

"Ahhh!" you screamed as you pushed for the last time.

Soon you able to her the beautiful sound of you baby boy named Aiden crying.

"Congraulations you have given birth to a healthy baby boy." the doctor said.

"Thank you so much doc." Niall said.

"Well we'll leave you two alone."  the Doctor said.

"You did great princess thank you so much you make me so happy." Niall said.

"C-can I see him?" you ask.

"Here." he hands you the baby.

He Iooks so perfect he has you bone structure, Niall's nose and beautiful brown hair.

He looks so much like Niall.

Tears of joy are flowing down your face.

What color would his eyes be, will it be your eye color or Niall's or maybe different?

"Hi baby it's mommy. You are so perfect. I love you so much already. I promise I will always protect you." you said in a baby voice.

"Oi that's my job." Niall said.

You laughed.

You hand Niall the baby and yawn.

"Get some sleep princess you deserve it,  plus we won't be geting any with this one." he said pointing to Aiden

"Ok...make sure you phone out parents and tell the good news." you said.

"Already did they'll be her on Sunday the boys at comming tommorow and (Y/BF/N) is comming tommorow and she called shotgun on godmother."

You chuckled.

Your eyes becoming droopy slowly as you slip into a deep sleep.

Niall's POV

I sit in the chair next to (Y/N)'s bed.

She did so well.

I look at our precious little Aiden.

He looks like (Y/N).

He starts to move and his soft cries fill the room.

I gently rock him back an foward.

He slowly looks up at me and I gasp.

He has soft baby blue eyes.

A single tear rolls down my cheek.

"My beautiful baby boy. Daddy loves you so much and he promises to always protect you. I'll teach you everything you want to know and give you everything your heart desires. You and your mother at such a blessing to me." I kiss his forehead and he given me a small smile.

Life is perfect and I wouldnt want it any other way.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now