Uncle Harry

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It's a early Friday night, you were busy getting ready for you date with your husband of 5 years Niall.

As you take the time to make light curls in you Y/H/C hair, your 4 year old daughter enters the room.

She comes wobbling in like a zombie, rubbing her eye with her unicorn teddy bear in her hand.

She reminds you so much of Niall. When you were younger about Y/D/N age, Niall always carried around his stuffed giraffe.

He was such a character, but that is what made you fall for him.

You switch off you curling wand and store it in the draw where Y/D/N can't reach it.

You turn around, and see your daughter looking up at you.

Her blue eyes stare at you, she gives you a heart warming smile her dimple that she inherited from her father is visible.

"Hi baby girl, what are you doing up, can't wait to see uncle Harry? " you kiss her cheek.

She nods, "When is uncle Hawwy coming? " she asks.

"He is gonna be here soon. What are you gonna do when he comes? " you ask her.

"I'm gonna make him a pretty princess and we are gonna have a tea party. " she says.

"I'm sure he is going to love that, make sure to tell him to raise his pinky. " you laugh.

"Like this? " she raises he pinky.

"Perfect. " you say.

"Mummy, where are you going? " she asks.

"Daddy and I are going to watch a movie, then we are going to eat. " you reply.

"Can you bring me back an ice-cream? " she gives you the puppy dog eyes.

"Only if you be a good girl for uncle Harry. " you say.

"I'll be a good girl mummy. Daddy says he don't like bad girls, so I have to be a good girl. " she says.

"You are right, and you are my good girl. " Niall's voice joins the conversation.

"Daddy! " Y/D/N yells, she hops of you lap and jumps into his arms.

"How is my baby girl? Did she have a good nap? " he pokes her stomach.

She laughs.

"Is uncle Harry here yet? " she asks him.

"Not yet baby girl. " he says.

"Awww. " she says sadly.

"He'll be here soon baby, how about you go and set up your tea party sip that when uncle Harry comes you can have the party. He will be very thirsty. " Niall tells her.

"Now we can't have Uncle Harry go thirsty now, can we? " you walk up to them and poke her nose.

"No! " she jumps out of Niall's arms and runs to do what she has to do.

"She's really energetic. " you say.

"Well, she does take after her mother. " Niall wraps his arms around your waist.

"And what make you say that? " you ask him, running your hands through his hair.

"When you gave birth to her, you didn't go to sleep for like 3 hours after she was born, whereas normal mothers would go lights out right away. When we were kids, you used to run around the house when I came over making me chase you for like 10 minutes. And then there's -"

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