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Niall's POV

I don't know why but (Y/N) has been so distant lately.

She hardly talks to me or even looks my way and it's killing me.

I just want the carefree, loving,  happy-go-lucky girl I fell in love with.

Right now I'm coming back from the studio and hoping to get all this solved out now.

"Princess I'm home!" I shout but I here nothing.

I look all over the house but I didn't find her.

Then I realised that when ever she is down she always hides in the closet.

I go for the room and find her there crying.

"Baby girl what wrong? " I ask her but she doesn't reply.

"Princess please talk to me, we can solve out the problem together, whatever I did I'm sorry , I can change." I said, tears threatening to escape my eyes.

"It's not what you did." she whispered.

"It's the fans. They have been sending hate and it has gotten so bad to the point where they said that I don't deserve you an that I should commit suicide." she said.

Anger boils inside me and my hands ball into fists.

How could they.

They don't deserve to be called fans, those fuckers.

"Baby girl why didn't you tell me this. I could've helped you and put a stop to this once and for all." I said.

"I didn't want to be a bur-...''  I cut her of.

''Princess you are my number one priority, you know that you can come to me for anything.'' I say

"Yeah." she says.

Seeing her so distressed makes me wanna punch the person who started.

Without wasting time I pick her up and take her to the room.

I set her one the bed and go to the kitchen. I pick up my phone and go one Twitter.

What I see I horrible, people are posting nasty comments about her.

Things like #(Y/N)IsALowLifeSlut is trending.

People are so cruel but they are all just jealous.

I quickly comment one each post and send a strongly worded post of my own.

@NiallOffical: how could you say such nasty things about such a sweet girl. (Y/N) is perfect and does not need to do anything to please you guys. Some "fans" are just jealous about how perfect she is. #(Y/N)IsPerfect

After I saw that the boys also posted #(Y/N)IsPerfect.

After I read that a pair of arm came around my neck.

"Thank you." (Y/N) said.

"No problem princess,  I just wish you would have told me sooner." I said kissing her forehead.

"Please remember that you are perfect, don't listen to those assholes. You are perfect." I said and place a sweet kiss on her lips.

After that I took her to the room were we cuddled and fell asleep.

Everything was back in place and exactly where it was supposed to be.

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