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Niall's POV

After (Y/N) wondered off into the jungle I decided to go look for other resources. First I thought of just getting fire wood, but I remembered that (Y/N) needs to eat to. I still feel bad for taking her coconut. Maybe I'll see some berrys or something out there.

I walk in the other direction and hear something strange. I turn around and see nothing. Maybe I had a little too much coconut. I think I'm going nuts!

I carry on walking when I hear voices. Ok, I'm not imagining anything. There is someone here. I'm about yo turn around again until I step on a twig and then I see a net falling from the tree.

I try my best to dodge it, but I just end up tangled. Now I know what fishes feel like. This is so uncomfortable. I hear the voices getting closer and closer. Now I'm scared.

''I told you Papa, my trap work! Let's see what animal is caught here now.'' I hear a voice say. That voice sounds so familiar.

''What have you done this time, Clumsy!'' Clumsy? What the hell. I hear footsteps coming closer. I feel something land on my stomach. It walks up my torso. Ah, bugs! I try and wiggle so it falls off me but it keeps walking.

Finally it stops and I see blue. Literally blue! Smurfs! What the fuck! I thought they were only character in a movie. Oh have I died and gone to blue heaven.

The Smurf, who I recognise and Clumsy from the movies knocks my head with his tiny fist. ''Would you stop that!'' I say and it jumps.

''Papa, it talks!'' he says.

''Ok, it has a name!'' I say.

''See.'' he points.

I feel another pair off feet walk on me. What am I? A runway! Another Smurf with a red hat appears in my sight. Papa Smurf. Are they for real?

''Clumsy, you moron, this is a human.'' he yells. ''What's your name boy?'' he ask.

''Smurf, I mean Niall.'' I say. Am I really talking to a smurf. What the smurf, dang it.

''Well Niall, sorry for the mishap. Clumsy here is well, really clumsy. I'm Papa.'' He says and starts untangling me. Finally I'm free. ''Uh, mice to meet you?'' I say AMD awkwardly extend my finger to him. He shakes it and turns to Clumsy. He walks forward and stops at my feet.

''Hi, sorry for the trap.'' he says. I nod. What else do I say to a smurf. I hear a scream and turn around. I see (Y/N) also tangled up in a net and is being carried by a ton of other smurfs.

They drop her down and I hear her curse. ''Let's me go you freaks!'' she yells and turns her head in my direction. I crawl towards her and help her get untangled.

''Niall, what? Who? What?'' she yells. I shrug and look towards Papa.

''Well, we are smurfs. We live here in smurf village. Lately there have been a lot of animal attacks. So I sent out some of my smurf to set up traps to capture the animals so I could have a little talk them and explain to them that they should go around destroying other peoples property. Apparently you both got caught in the trap. We thought you were animals. My smurfs don't know what humans are. Only me. You're quiet an interesting species.'' he explains.

What does he mean, he hasn't met any humans yet. What about Gargamel and that man he met in the first movie and their kid Blue?

''What about Gargamel? Didn't you meet him? He's human.'' (Y/N) questions. He shakes his head.

''I don't know who you talking about. Never have I met a human, well, until know.'' He gestures towards us.

We nod looking at each other. 'What do we do know?' she mouths to me. 'I don't know.' I mouth back.

''Well we have to get going now. Nice to um, meet you.'' I say awkwardly. They nod and we both stand up and walk away. We awkwardly make our way out of the 'Smurf Village' and start walking towards the beach.

''That was, '' I look at her. ''Interesting.'' she completes. I nod. ''Where were you, I went to look for another coconut but when I came back you were gone.'' she asks.

''I felt bad for taking you coconut, so I went to look for another one for you, but I got caught in the trap.'' I explain.

She nods, ''How did you get caught in the trap?'' I ask her and she blushes.

''Well, I couldn't find another coconut tree, but I found a whole bunch of the most amazing bananas, so I cut it off the tree and left in in our tent so animals wouldn't get to it, then I decided to look for some fresh drinking water. So I followed a sea snake,'' ''YOU FOLLOWED A SNAKE! YOU COULD'VE GOT HURT!'' I yell.

''Well they don't harm you if you don't mess with them, so I kept a safe distance from it.'' she says. I nod, still not fully convinced. ''So anyway, I found this stream of fresh water and I followed it to see if you might be there. Then I saw a spider and fell backwards into a trap.'' she blushes like a tomato at the end.

I laugh at her silliness. ''So you follow a snake, that could have kill you, but you are scared of spiders.'' I chuckled. ''Pretty much, yeah.'' she shrugs.

''Well, that isn't the most strangest thing I heard today.'' I say and she chuckles. ''I can't believe Smurfs are real!'' she says dramatically.

''What the hell! Do you have to scream so loud.'' a voice says. I look at her and see an equally confused look on her face.

''Did you say that?'' she ask me and I shake my head. ''No, I did.'' I hear that voice again. Clumsy climbs out of her pocket and look at us. (Y/N) screams and covers her mouth.

''Why are you here?'' she asks taking him out of her pocket. He shrugs. ''Smurf Village is pretty boring, I want some adventure.'' he states. ''So you made a get away in my pocket.'' she raises her eyebrow.

He nods, ''You're pretty, I like you.'' he says and I glare at him. Great, I'm jealous of a smurf.

''Um, thank you?'' she says/asks. ''Welcome.'' he says. ''Ok hold the fuck up! How are you even real! You are just a made up character from a movie!'' I say, getting frustrated.

''Woah! Language!'' he says and I roll my eyes.  ''Just answer the question!'' I yell.

''Well you see, it all started when a nice wizard named Dumbledore found this magic like potion and he mixed it up with all kinds of things but nothing happened. Eventually he died and his son was playing around in his cave, lab thing and knocked his desk. His ball fell inside and the potion started to bubble up and Papa Smurf was born. No one knows what happened to Mama Smurf.'' he finishes off.

(Y/N) and I look at each other with equally confused faces.

''O-ok.'' I say.

''So know are you gonna question me or are you gonna keeping walking?'' he sasses.

We all walk quietly, not uttering a word to each other.

This is gonna be a long night.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now