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Niall's POV

I woke up only to be met with a sleeping (Y/N).

She is so beautiful, the way her (Y/H/C) hair shines in the light of the sun.

I have always adored her.

Her music reflects her personality beautifully.

She is such a down to earth person.

She doesn't let the fame get to her head.

I know for a fact that if it were someone else in her position they would be so prissy and act all high and mighty.

That is why I like her, not for her looks but for her personality.

She plays guitar way better than me, she plays drum, she sings and acts.

She is so talented.

Anyone would kill to be her.

She has the voice of a true angel.

She does not make music that sounds like noise, hers hold meaning and speaks the truth.

Never once has the press ever said anything bad about her.

The only time she is in the magazine is when she's at an award show.

Its like she wants to stay out of the limelight.

I feel her start to stir in my arms and I realize that I'm been holding her a little too tight. Oops.

I loosen my grip a little and her eyes flutter open.

I see her gorgeous (Y/E/C) as she opens them.

I smile at her and kiss her forehead.

A light blush appears on her cheeks and I silently chuckle.

''Morning.'' I say.

''Morning Niall.'' she smiles.

''How long have you been up?'' she asks.

I shrug, ''Not too long, just thinking of what we are gonna do for ten days, maybe we should get a better look at the island. Last night was a bit dark.'' she nods and I stand up.

I help her up and then pick up the camera.

I switch it on and face it towards (Y/N). ''Hey (Y/N/N)! Say hi.'' I shout.

She looks towards the camera and waves.

''Hi guys, sorry I look so horrendous. I slept next to a kicker.'' she jokes.

''Oi!'' I say trying to act offended but end up laughing, she laughs to.

''And you look beautiful!'' she blushes.

''Shouldn't we look around the island?'' she sasses. I laugh.

''Oh, so you're sassy and beautiful. What aren't you.'' I say, she blushes even more.

At this point she look like a tomato.

I decide to give her a break and go looking around the beach.

''Niall!'' I hear her yell and I rush back to the camp.

What happened? I hope she didn't get hurt.

I arrive at camp and see her jumping, trying to reach the coconut.

''I thought you were hurt!'' I sigh.

''Hush and help me get the coconuts.'' I laugh and walk up to her.

Those coconuts are pretty high.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now