"So, did ya enjoy ganging up on me?" Jack snarled. I felt immediate tension and begged that Felix would be out today.

"You put up a good fight. It's a wonder. I never expected someone so weak to pack a punch." Kellin snide in return.

Felix walked into the classroom and I prayed he wouldn't ask questions. He did throw me a confused look after sitting down, but I shot him a look - don't say anything - and he nodded.

"Yeah. I never expected a jock to be such a pussy. Two against one, aren't we fuckin' brave? You let yer mouth write checks yer ass can't cash. You'll learn ta shut yer smart ass mouth one day." Jack growled.

"His Irish is coming through thick now. Your starting to piss him off." I warned.

"Shut your fucking mouth before I shut it fo-"

I narrowed my eyes, reaching across the table and hitting him in the mouth as hard as I could. He fell out of his seat and Jack jumped up, looking at me in shock. Felix squeaked. I stood from my desk. Kellin jumped up and reeled his fist back. Jack caught his fist instantly, twisting his arm. Kellin spun around to face Jack.

"You hit 'im and I'm goin' ta do more than shut yer fuckin' mouth for ya. Mark my words on that, Quinn." Jack snarled, nose to nose with Kellin for the thousandth time this year.

"He deserves it for putting his hands on me." Kellin argued.

"And you deserve more than a simple punch in the mouth for being a fucking asshole." I retorted.

"He's rubbing off on you, Fischbach. He's going to get your ass killed. I'm going to be the one to do it." Kellin told me.

"Don't fuckin' threaten him." Jack hissed, slamming Kellin's head into the whiteboard repeatedly. The world around me faded to black and the panicked screams of my classmates were no longer audible as I stepped forward to make a move. However, Mike Fuentes beat me to it.

Mike jumped up, trying to pull Jack from Kellin. Jack jerked his body around hard, the momentum pulling Mike with it and slamming him against the whiteboard. Mike fell, stunned and stupid for a moment.

"Boys! Boys stop!" Mrs. Drake screamed, running into the room.

I saw blood on the whiteboard from Kellin's head and my eyes widened. I ran over, pulling Jack off of him.

"Stop! You're going to kill him!" I screeched. Jack stopped banging Kellin's head against the board, letting him fall limp to the floor. Jacks eyes widened at the sight of the blood as he wrapped his arms around me protectively. Mike was at Kellin's side in a moment, checking him out.

"What on earth is going on in here?" The principal, Mr. Kestrel, came rushing into the room as Mrs. Drake checked Kellin's pulse.

"You boys, come with me." Mr. Kestrel stated, pointing at Jack, Mike, and I. He then turned to Mrs. Drake, "Call the nurse and make sure he's alright."

"Lets just hope he's not in a coma, or worse."


"DESPICABLE." Mr. Kestrel roared, slamming his fist down on the polished black wood. Surprisingly, the clutter was cleaned off of his desk, opposed to when Jack and I were in here to change our grades. However, that was the least of my worries.

Momentarily, I was risking suspension and my relationship. Jack is also giving the principal as much trouble as he can. If I were him, I'd be careful. He is dancing on the edge of expulsion. Him crossing his arms, tightening his jaw, and narrowing his eyes really isn't helping him any. I silently begged that he stay quiet and show some manners. Then again, me acting uncaring probably isn't helping my matters either. Not to mention, this is the fourth lecture I've had this week.

"All because of some little argument, a group of teenage boys get into a gang fight. Especially when the fight was over nothing!" Mr. Kestrel sat down in his desk.

"It wasn't over nothing," Mike countered, "Fischbach punched Kellin in the mouth."

"I was tired of being pushed around." I defended with a huff.

"Hush!" Mr. Kestrel said. "You," he pointed at Mike, "have caused more trouble this year than I care to mention."

"You," he pointed at Jack, "are pushing your luck. You're about to be expelled, Mr. McLoughlin. Not to mention, if Mr. Quinn pressed charges, you could be put in a juvenile home. In case no one ever told you, fights are a serious matter. Giving a fellow classmate a concussion and a trip to the hospital is a very serious matter." Jack just stared Mr. Kestrel dead in the eye, quirking an eyebrow.

Jack was not impressed. Seeing this, Kestrel narrowed his eyes and turned to me. I stiffened my upper lip and relaxed my posture.

"As for you, Mr. Fischbach, I expected more. You are a good student, you're a hard worker. You normally never start fights! For you to reach across a table and punch someone in the mouth, it amazes me that you would do such a thing." Mr. Kestrel leaned forward in his desk slightly. "What caused this sudden burst of outrage?" He asked.

"Kellin has been giving Jack and I trouble all year. I bet you all the money I have that he and this one," I yanked my head toward Mike, "both put up the flyers of Jack and myself. He's beat up Jack a few times this year. He has harassed me a time or so, they broke my phone in half. Do I not have the right to defend myself?" I asked, leaning forward and narrowing my eyes defiantly.

"Yes, but you do not have the right to openly hit a classmate." Mr. Kestrel stated firmly.

"Then why can I be openly made fun of, beat up, and almost killed on this school campus during school hours?" Jack suddenly spoke, leaning forward.

"What are you talking about, Mr. McLoughlin?" Kestrel asked.

"This morning at 7:30, I was being beaten in the back parking lot. That's where the black eye came from. Then, I was almost drowned in the schools pool right outside the gym. They almost killed me!" Jack cried out.

Kestrels head snapped to Mike, who raised his hands in defence.

"I didn't do it!" Mike said.

"Mike wasn't in on this one. It was Kellin and Rasco." Jack assured. Kestrel brought his attention from Mike, sighing.

"Well, I have a few things I need to clear. For now, just wait here." Kestrel stood, leaving us in the office together.

We were all left there, exchanging looks that all said the same thing:

What now?

Well, there was this chapter.

I hope you guys enjoyed it. I decided to kind of shake things up on this one. I love you guys and I'll see you later.


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