In The Open

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-- Jack --

As I walked into school on Monday, the air seemed off. Everything seemed off. The half smiles from the other students, the whispers exchanged, the looks cast at me. What the hell happened over the weekend? Surely something bad didn't happen on my side of the fence - then again, I can't be truly sure since I didn't hear from Mark since he left my house Saturday afternoon. A visit would have been appreciated at some point, but of course, I wasn't going to bother him with the "I was worried" speech. He doesn't need to hear it from me or anyone else.

Then again, the way he walked into first period, I couldn't help but notice the difference in his demeanour. The tired far away look on his face. The slump in his shoulders (and his walk). The way he one backpack strap lazily thrown over his shoulder in a hurried and rushed fashion. His shirt just barely hung around his neck, his pants hardly clinging to his hips. Just the urgency in the way he walked made me uneasy.

"Jack." He slammed his backpack into his seat, coming around the desks to wrap his arms around my neck. "I have something I really need to tell you." He sniffled, burying his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around him comfortingly.

"What is it, Mark?" I asked him gently, rubbing his shoulder as he cries softly.

"I came out to my dad," he breathed, making my heart stop. I immediately pulled him back so he could look into my eyes.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. I brushed back a black strand from his face, looking into his chocolate orbs. I wiped his tears from his eyes. The tear stains made me want to cry. Need I note, I'm the last person to cry at a funeral and now all of a sudden, Mark made me want to break down. All because he came out to his dad.

"He knows about us. I was talking to my dad - well, more like arguing - and I got mad and spilled about you being my boyfriend. He knows that I'm gay and he knows that you're gay. He knows we're together." Mark sobbed into my shirt. I held him close to me, completely shocked and in fear of what would happen next. And what the hell would you know? Kellin sauntered into the room and sat his stuff down, eyeing Mark and I.

"You know, it's not like it was a huge secret." He says, hinting that he'd been eves dropping for the past few minutes. "The way these girls walk around school 'shipping' you guys. The way the boys whisper and point. The other gays of the school are starting to make themselves known. The faculty is still debating on what they think and let me tell you: Mr. White, the math teacher, he has said a few words himself about being gay. It's surprising how you guys really are starting a movement." Kellin snide, plopping himself down in his chair. Mike strode into the room shortly after.

"So, the fags have decided to make themselves known." He smirks. "Everyone's seen the way you guys go around school holding each other's hands and sharing tiny kisses when you think no one is looking. There's actually posters all over the school!" Mike stated, a shit-eating grin suddenly part of his features.

"Posters?!" I inquire loudly.

It only took me a moment to release Mark and bolt into the hall. Sure enough, some girls were standing in groups giggling and gushing about how cute our relationship was. Guys were standing around laughing and pointing, waving our fliers in the air - some guy named Dennis was even making paper airplanes. The gays were exchanging little kisses as well - Minx and Leslie were absolutely adorable while Tyler and Ethan were coming out of their shells. No matter how nice I thought most of this was, I was still pissed that those fucking yanks decided to get into my business with Mark. With a huff I spun around and sauntered back into the class.

Kellin and Mike were sitting there with smug looks on their faces. I walked up, slamming my hands on the table and leaning down. I was just inches away from Kellins face.

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