Chapter 21

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*Pete's POV*

The next two weeks flew by. Pete had a lot of work he had to get through before they leave for the festival. Patrick finally started feeling better, his headaches slowly went away as the pressure in his eye started going down again to what it should be. Patrick walks in the room and Pete smiles at him, but doesn't say anything, seeing his boyfriend is on the phone. Patrick smiles back and blows him an air kiss. "Yeah, we have the party tent. You could've asked me at work as well you know. Of course... No, Bren, you can't bring that. Because it's not allowed on the camping area." He rolls his eyes at Pete who chuckles before focusing on folding his last shirts. "Yeah, fairy lights are okay. You won't have a socket though, so make sure they're with batteries." Patrick continues to talk in the phone. Pete decides to leave the rest of packing for later and walks closer to his boyfriend who's searching for something apparently. The boy sighs about something the person on the other line says and Pete grins, snaking his arms around the boy from behind. He rests his chin on Patrick's shoulder, Patrick turns his head to him and gives him a quick peck on the temple. Pete tightens the hug and closes his eyes contently. "Yeah, yeah alright. See you in a few hours. Do you guys come here or will we meet there? Okay. Okay bye, Bren." Patrick ends the call and turns around in Pete's arms. Pete smiles down at him. "What was that about?" He asks and Patrick laughs. "Brendon being typical Brendon." He says. Pete hums with smile and kisses Patrick slowly. He feels Patrick's hands go up his neck and he smiles against the boy's lips. "Welcome home." He says, lips still touching. Patrick hums and deepens the kiss again. Pete had an inhumanly early session this morning. Meaning he left while Patrick was still asleep and by the time he came home, Patrick was already at his work. He only just came home. Joe's probably on his way home as well as we speak. They finally pull back and Pete can't help but feel blessed that he can call Patrick his own. Even after all these months it feels special. "What were you searching for?" He wonders as he walks back to his travel backpack and stuffs his folded clothes in it. "My powerbanks. I can't seem to find them." Patrick says. "One is blue for only one phone at a time and the other is large and gray for multiple phones?" Pete asks amused after glancing around his room. "Yeah, have you seen them?" Patrick asks. Pete points behind Patrick. "They're on my desk." He replies. Patrick turns around. "Woops." He says, rubbing the back of his head slightly ashamed so it seems. "I don't even know why they're in my room, don't you have your own to lose your stuff in?" Pete laughs, stuffing some towels and his shoes in his backpack as well. "I do, but who would help me find them there? Besides, I'm barely ever in my own room." Patrick laughs. "You got a point there. How's the packing going?" Pete replies, looking at the list he made of all the things he should bring with him. "Almost done, I was wondering if we should bring plastic forks and such or normal ones." Patrick replies. Pete thinks for a while. "Let's take plastic ones. It's easier to throw them away than to go across the meadow to wash them." He says. Patrick nods. "Alright I'm going to finish packing. I can't wait to leave." He says as he leaves the room again, forgetting his powerbanks. Pete rolls his eyes fondly and stuffs them in his own backpack. 


"Okay, so our camping ground is called C2." Gerard says when they all parked their cars. "That's the way." Sarah calls, pointing at a sign. "Alright, let the fun begin." Franks laughs, swinging his backpack on his back and his tent around his arm. They're with a large group, almost everyone is there. There's him and Patrick, Joe, Marie, Brendon, Ryan, Frank, Gee, Ray, Jenna, Sarah and Mikey. Everyone is excited to see their friend play and to just have a great weekend. Pete's kinda bumped that Tyler and Josh couldn't come because they're a few hours away from here to visit family. But they're going to see Andy play at another festival nearby where they are together with their brothers and sisters and some more friends. "This shit gets heavy." Patrick mutters next to him as he carries their tent, the party tent and their sleeping bags. "Wait let me." Pete says as he takes the sleeping bags. He ties them to the small suitcase so they're no burden anymore. He hands Patrick the suitcase and takes the party tent, which was still in its box, over from him. "Better?" He wonders. Patrick nods with a smile. "Better. Tell me when you want to switch again, when it gets too heavy." He replies. Pete nods that he will and they walk further until they see a line. "This must be it." Joe says when they come to a halt. The line goes pretty fast and soon they have their wristbands and trash bags. They go further at the back where there's still a lot of empty space left. "Shall we put our tents up here?" Jenna suggest when they find what seems like the ideal spot. They all agree and start setting up their tents. Both Pete and Patrick and Jenna and Sarah have a two second tent you just have to throw out and pin to the ground. Meaning it's their job to set up the party tent while the others struggle with setting up their own tents. After a few minutes of cursing and struggling all seven tents are standing including the party tent. "Fairy lights time!" Brendon excitedly says and jumps back in his and Ryan's tent to retrieve said lights. It's already getting dark since they left on a Friday night after everyone was done working. "Pattycakes, help out will ya?" He calls out. Patrick takes a strand of the fairy lights and walks towards the opposite corner of the party tent from where Brendon is hanging his strand. "Curly boy, can you attach them to the roof in the middle?" Brendon ask giving Ray a piece of ducttape. "Not sure how I feel about that nickname." The tall boy says as he stretches all the way up and manages to hang the lights up. "Yours isn't too bad to be honest." Pete laughs. "Yeah, mine is Fun Ghoul." Frank laughs. "Mine's Sare-bear, and I'm pretty sure I win with worst nickname." Sarah laughs, grabbing a camping chair to sit on. They all laugh except for Brendon. "My nicknames are great!" He says offended. Patrick, also done with his fairy lights gives his friend a playful shove. "Since when is 'Pattycakes' a great nickname?" He asks teasing. Brendon huffs. "It sure beats Beebo." Sarah shakes her head and waves her index finger from left to right to let the two boys know they're equally bad at giving nicknames. "That's not true, Beebo is an amazing nickname." Patrick argues and Brendon rolls his eyes. "Ry-ry, help me out?" He pleads as he turns to his boyfriend. The brown haired boy holds his hands up. "This is your fight, handsome." He replies with a chuckle. Brendon scoffs. "You're useless sometimes." He accuses. Ryan laughs and pulls him down next to him in the tent entrance. "You know Ryan, Ry-Ry isn't the only nickname our dear Beebo here has for you." Patrick starts, using Beebo to make matters worse. Brendon glares at him. "Don't you dare." He warns him. Patrick laughs. "Oh, I dare." He replies smug. Pete and Sarah, who know what's coming, starts softly laughing. "Now I'm curious." Ryan says, looking from Brendon to Patrick, slightly confused. Patrick has a devilish grin on his face and Brendon threatens him with his eyes. "Before he even knew your name, he-" Brendon charges for him, trying to clasp his hand over his friend's mouth. Patrick pulls his head back, trying to avoid Brendon's hands. "He called you-" He tries again, but Brendon throws them on the ground, making him stop mid-sentence once again. Patrick laughs as he rubs the back of his head that hit the ground. Brendon rubs his knee who got impacted as well. "Don't say it." He warns. Patrick giggles. "Okay, I won't." He agrees, holding his hands up in defeat. Ryan pouts. "But I want to know." He whines. Brendon looks at him. "No, you don't." He says. They sit more up again. Patrick looks at Pete and Pete grins back. Immediately knowing what he's supposed to do. "Sorry, Ryan. I can't say it." Patrick then repeats. Brendon nods, thinking he won. "But Pete can." Patrick jumps on Brendon so he can't stop Pete. "No, don't you dare, Pete!" Brendon calls and Pete laughs. "He used to call you Hottie McHot." He grins at Ryan. Sarah and Patrick laugh as Brendon hides his face in his hands once Patrick lets him go again. "Noo... You're all so mean." He accuses. Ryan recovers from the initial shock and folds his face in a smug expression. "Hottie McHot?" He ask Brendon. "No."  The black haired boy replies. "Really?" Ryan smirks. "No." He says again. "How did that came to be?" He wonders. Brendon sighs dramatically. "I didn't know your name." He says as an excuse. Ryan's grin grows. "So you went for Hottie McHot?" He asks. Brendon looks angry at Patrick and Pete for making him do this. "Well, you are... You know." Brendon gestures at him. "Hot?" Ryan asks; smirking. Brendon sighs. "Yes, hot Ryan. You are hot. Happy now?" He asks defeated. Ryan pulls Brendon closer again. "Very much so, yes." He smirks and Brendon hides his face in his hands again. "Sorry, Sarah. Ryan wins worst nickname." Gerard laughs then. "I like my nickname to be honest." Ryan smirks and Brendon whines. "I hate you all." He mutters. They all laugh at him. "We love you Beebo." Joe burst out in laughter. And Brendon glares at him. They laugh some more, have a few drinks and eventually go to bed. They're planning on going early to the festival tomorrow morning. 

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