Chapter 13: Adventures in Spain

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After the couple takes our picture, he turns to me. "Better than a picture of just you, right? I mean, come on...who wouldn't want a picture with Niall Horan?" He teases.

I roll my eyes. "Don't flatter yourself." He chuckles lightly as he takes my hand in his and approaches a vendor. He asks something in Spanish that I can't follow. The vendor hands him a churro.

"Oh my gosh, Niall. These are my favorite!" I exclaim. "I've only had Costco's churros, but I've always wanted to try one from Spain," I smile. How does he know all of my favorite things...the little things? I smile to myself, thinking back to the first time his eyes met mine.

"What are you smiling about?" He asks, mouth full of the cinnamon pastry.

I blush. "Well, I was asking myself how you know all the little things I love, and I thought back to the first time we met."

He pauses from stuffing his face. "Yeah, it feels like it was so long ago. I can't believe we've only know each other for a week."

I nod. "We're pretty crazy."

"Hey, we're supposed to be crazy at this age," he assures me.

"What did you think when you first saw me?" I ask, changing the subject. I've always wanted to ask Niall this, but I never had the courage to ask him. My confidence has grown greatly since I met the boys.

He looks down to the ground, avoiding my eyes. "Well, I thought your nervousness was adorable. I was drawn to you in a way I can't explain. Your beautiful green eyes burned into mine as you looked up at me from the side of the stage. You made me so nervous; you were so beautiful that night." He blushes. "I mean, you' beautiful...of course," he stumbles as he scratches the back of his neck. I smile. "What did you think when you first saw me?" He turns my question back on me.

I take in a deep breath. "Well, I thought you were hot, of course." He smiles. "I felt drawn to you too," I tell him, looking around to avoid his gaze.

"Do you have feelings for me?" The words leave my mouth before I can stop them. I cover my mouth, horrified that I actually asked that question out loud. He looks taken aback. I can feel my heart accelerating. I need to get out of here.

I turn around and start walking away when Niall grabs my arm and spins me around to face him. I try looking away, but he puts his finger under my chin so I'm forced to look into his blue eyes.

"I-I'm sorry for asking," I stumble over my words. "It was stupid of me."

He puts his finger up to my lips to silence me. "No, it wasn't stupid of you," he assures me.

"Niall, it was stupid. Please just forget that I-"

He presses his lips against mine to make me shut up, but I pull away. "Niall-"

"Of course I have feelings for you," he blurts out.

"You do?" I whisper, my voice cracking.

He nods. "Why else would you be with me in Spain right now?" He chuckles.

I shrug. "I don't know. But why me?"

He shakes his head and lowers his finger from my chin. "Brooke, don't say that."

"No, Niall. You could have any girl in the world. Why would you choose some average girl like me?"

His eyes flash with anger. "Brooke, stop talking yourself down. You're not an average girl. You're incredible. You're kind, funny, intelligent, beautiful, and so many other amazing things," he tells me. "Why can't you see yourself the way the world sees you?"

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