Meant to be

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(Nagisas pov)

The last few days have been stressful. We have moved in with Isogai, since our identities as killers has been revealed.

"Karma you idiot!! Your suppose to be the best out of us all!!!"

"So what?! You wanted me to not kill him?! I mean in the end I almost died and Nagisa killed him!!!"

They were arguing...

Isogais house wasn't as big as Karmas, but it was bigger than my old apartment.

Assassins make alot of money. Even though Karma and I share our money, he doesn't ask me before buying stuff. We have a closet full of chains and whips at his house, like fucking fifty shades.

"Nagisa! Can you tell him that It's not my fault!"

"...uh...It's not his fault...?"

I wonder how long that's going to last.

Anwser: not long.

"Hey Karma, got any high paying jobs?"

"Uh-- Yes. "

And they have made up. Childhood friends do that.

My phone suddenly began to buzz, it was Karasuma.

I snook out to take it.

"You need to come here! You realise you stabbed an innocent man?!"

"He wasn't innocent, he was Karmas dad."

"We looked into Mr.clide , he's innocent!!"

"Have you tryed looking into someone called Mr.Akabane? As in him!!!"

Karasuma grunted. "You still killed someone, even if they did deserve it..."

"I know...Karmas not the red devil, I absolutely promise..."

"I want to belive you...but the evidence Mr... ahem left behind points to him. You need to remember why you took this job. Bad people don't deserve a happy life!"

"He's not a bad person!! A broken one granted! But not bad! I never look at Karma and see someone I want to kill! In my book that doesn't make him bad!"


"Why the hell are you still talking to me..." I said angrily.

"You have a choice." He sighed. "You either take over the evil, or the evil takes over you. Just be smart about it." The the phone hung up.

I slid down the wall, looking up at the night sky. I felt warm wet tears running down my face.

Karma once told me he could feel that he was going to die soon...and now I feel it... I see it. Everytime I look at him...It's like...

"His life is fleading away..." Isogai had come outside.


"Karma...He's going to die see it to don't you? His light dimming?"

" ...If he dies...I'll kill myself..." I said quietly trying to hide the fact that tears were rolling down my face.

"He wouldn't want that..." Isogai sat next to me. "Knowing Karma, he'd prefer it if you stayed alive. "

"I don't get it..."

"If you judge the type of person he is, you can always come up with at least three words, and one of them is so obvious but many barley ever see."

Isogai smiled. "He's funny. And he's a little bit of a lunatic, and--"

"He's kind..."

"Exactly. He doesn't want anyone to die because of him, especially you. He doesn't see himself as important to the world, so to him, he just wants his death to happen."

"If he dies I want to die with him..."

"But is that really what he would want. Let's say heaven and hell exist, your life has been pure and white and Karmas has been dull and black."

"..I think I understand..."

(Karmas pov)

Where did they run of to?
"ISOGAI!! NAGI~!!!" are they outside. I peeped my head out the door and overheard something.

"If he dies...I'll kill myself..."

I closed the door and sighed walking into the guest room in Yumas house.
If I die. ..I'd want him to stay alive

Morning came to fast. The bright sun hitting my eye lids.

We have a job today, a big job. A job that might pay for us to move countries. That'd be the life.

Yuma decided to not come along, sad he was meeting Hiroto while we weren't there.

"Oooh~ a day with your boyfriend? Sounds romantic."

"We're kind of at a wall right now. We've been dating for a while, but non of us are sure when we should have sex..."

Nagisa finally woke up and came into the living room, sitting on my lap.

"What cha talking about?"

"Yuma isn't sure when ti have sex with Hiroto."

"Wait! I could just ask you two. How long were you guys together when you first had sex?" He asked happily.

Suddenly it felt like an arrow shoot through Nagisa and I that read 'Had sex 30 minutes after meeting.'

"Uh...yeah we're not a good example!"

"How did you guys even meet?"

"Dude! Just got to the beginning of the story! I'm not re telling the story again! "


"Karma what are you talking about?"

"Oh uhm...nothing." I always forget I'm the only self aware character. "Anyway, Nagisa come on we gotta go."

After we left I began shaking. Nagisa didn't notice, something about this job was...of..

I pulled over quickly.
"Karma? Why did you pull over?"

I sat his seat back so it was laying down and I leaned over kissing him.

The kiss deepened our hot tounge dancing with eachother.
Then he pushed my lips away.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I...let's just be close a little longer..." I climbed onto of him and began kissing his neck. I had pulled into an alleyway so nobody could see.

Touching each other like this. How long had it been since we did? I missed the feeling. The feeling of my heart running wild inside my body. The feeling of his body quivering each time I touched it. His soft skin was like clouds under my fingers.

But something was sadening about this. It was making my stomach knot up, making my heart ache.

Are the words meant to be...just words?

The Assassins Code. [ Karmagisa ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن