He doesn't remember

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(Karmas pov)

"It's dark in this room. Mommy? Daddy? Why did you put me in this room? I felt my noes sniffling, my eyes filling. Realising just how weak I really was.

My skin bumping, my heart shaking, my body freezing.
I won't misbehave again...can I come out now? They can't hear me. This room, it's sound proof, and my voice is nothing but echos in my head.

I don't remember how long I was in the room for...I don't remember how I got in the room...I just remember my mother getting mad at me everytime I dared to open the door.

I found a light switch in the room, I switched on the light, viewing blood splattered along the walls. Blood, smeared all over myself. Yet, I had been in the room for what felt like so long, I didn't care for the blood, I didn't scream, I didn't whimper, I just sat in the now light room.

Then I opened the door, and they were gone. My mom, my dad, everyone was gone.

I never saw them again after that. I don't remeber how I got in the room, I don't remember what I did, I don't remember how I stayed alive.
And I don't remember my parents faces.

I remember starting Junior high as a knew student, watching all the kids try and befriend me. They were so boring. I remember wearing long sleeves, even if the sun was hot. I remember slashing a blade across my skin every night. And I remember when I ran into a little boy and his mother.

"Mommy!! Look that boy looks sad!!" A small child. Brown hair, brown eyes.

"Oh he does doesn't he? Let's go see if it's one of Yumas friends!"

So the child ran over to me. Yuma,  that name.

"Are you okay?" I remember the child smiling along with its mother. That's how I met Isogai.

"Hey mum! Nao! " He ran over to his family with a bright smile, something I never did.

"Yuma!  We found this boy, is he a friend of yours?"

"Oh! That's my classmate! I've never spoken to him...Hey...Akabane?" I must've had tears in my eyes because I remember his eyes filling with pitty right before he hugged me.
I remember wanting him to stop, I didn't need his pitty.

Then he convinced me to stay the night at his place. And somehow he got me to open up. A real prince among men, smiling, gleaming, who even cares? And why can't I be like that?

"Hey Karma..." He pulled my sleeves up and sighed.
"Everyone in class knows about that, you know that right?" 

I remember crying. Crying and crying, sad, sad, unhappy. I remember how it burned when anyone even looked at them.

Yuma never asked about my parents, he never questioned my reason, he just said one word. Stop.

I stayed with Yuma for a phew months, until one night, I knew I had to leave.

I caught a glimpse of him without a shirt on. I remember my body feeling strange, I was different, I was so very different. It wasn't Yuma in particular that I found attractive, it was just his body.

I'm gay and I know it.
And it's who I am.

So I lied.

"Hey Yuma. My parents just got back from their buissness trip...They want me home..."

I lied and he could tell.

"Alright" Still he never questioned me. No one ever did.

So I lied more.
I lived alone most of my childhood.
Yet I lied.

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