Suspect List

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(Nagisas Pov)

"We have a detective willing to take over the red devil case. Please meet Mr. Clide " Karasuma introduced me to a small man, with black hair and dull black eyes.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Clide..."

"Yes you two Shiota. I understand you've been trying to kill the red devil for over 6 months now?"


"May I suggest you assist me with this thought? If we find out who is under the devil mask, it will be easier." He smirked, throwing an envolope down call suspect List.

I had to think hard. If they found out Karma was the red devil, then...

"Whilst I think your idea is good. We don't have a lead on who it might be."

"Actually I've numbed it down too 3 people"

I jumped a little, glancing back to the envolope.

"3 suspects and one of them is him.
1. Lindley sut - He's a physcopath who kills anyone he sees, chances are he may be the red devil.
2. Reco - a famous assassin who's identity was found out and he went into hiding, he could be back.
And finally, the one that stands out the most, this kid." He slammed a picture of Karma in front of me.
"Karma Akabane- he's the one most of the arrows point too. In the same country, the same state, viliagge you name it."

"B-but the red devil only kills in Japan"

"Incorrect. The reason you have lost him when tailing him is because he leaves the country, and Karmas travel history matches up. You and Mr. Akabane are close right?

"I-i suppose so..."

"So you are also a suspect."

"Of what?!"

"The red devil has an accomplice as of late, we learned that from the way the body's are stabbed. "
This guy was good, he was good and then some. "As of later today, we are going to place wire taps and cameras in all the suspects homes, please do not alert Mr. Akabane of this fact. We are also going to have FBI agents follow him around outside the house." He glanced at my face and smirked. "Any objection?"

If I say I have an objection, he'll just do it anyway.
"No that's fine."

"Alright.  They will be put in tommorw at some point. We have belief that Mr.Akabane will be out correct?"

"Uhm...Y-yes... I'm the only one home most of tommorw."


I got home that night, later than usual because I was trying to think of a way to cover all this and make Karma seem no suspecting. 

I opened the door sighing. Karma was sat on the couch watching a movie.
He turned his head and smiled.
"Welcome home~~~!"

He recovered from his depression after we had a long, long, long talk. And a long love making session afterwards.

"Karma we got a problem..."

"IT WAS ONE VIDEO!" He suddenly yelled.

"Eh?" What's he on about? Did he do something? Guilty concious much...

"I was horny, and you weren't home so I didn't have a choice!!! FORGIVE MEEEEEEEEE!!!" He wasn't crying,  but he looked like he was going too.

"I'm NOT talking about your weird porn that you watch." I growled.

"...Shit.  okay!! So if not uhm that, then what's up?" He dragged me onto his lap and started kissing my neck.

"At work today, we got a detective working on uncovering the red devil.."

The Assassins Code. [ Karmagisa ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora